Teller Report

Tourism worsens to 98,753 million its forecast of falls in the worst summer in history

8/18/2020, 12:07:49 PM

Tourism, the main engine of the Spanish economy, worsens its prospects for the end of the year, after verifying that the summer season is being weaker than expected

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Tourism, the main engine of the Spanish economy, worsens its prospects for the end of the year, after verifying that the summer season is being weaker than expected, the worst in history. The losses associated with the drop in activity amount to 98,753 million euros.

It is the money that the sector has not entered or will not enter this year because of the pandemic, according to calculations made by Exceltur, the main tourist lobby that groups the main companies in the sector (hotel chains, airlines, travel agencies, restaurants. ..).

There are 15,620 million more losses than in the calculations made before the summer season began, when the expected fall was 83,134 million. According to these figures, this summer we have had 64% less tourist activity than in 2019.

This added loss is mainly due to the lack of international tourists. Last year 83 million foreigners came to our country. This year demand was expected to be weak, although not so weak. But the quarantines decreed by some countries, the recommendations not to travel to Spain, "the cascading restrictions" and the outbreaks in Europe have caused cancellations of the trips and "anticipate the early closure of the summer season."

Unprecedented impact on employment

This hecatomb of the main economic tractor in Spain "anticipates an impact of unprecedented dimensions on employment at the end of summer", according to Exceltur. At the end of July there were already 823,000 fewer employees than in the same period of 2019. It is 37% fewer workers. Of this number, about 517,000 are in a ERTE situation and 306,000 are people who have not been directly hired due to the drop in activity.

Catalonia and the Balearic Islands are the regions most affected by this stop . In the case of the first, which experienced a wave of outbreaks in July that caused many countries to advise against traveling to the community, it loses 19,000 million because the pandemic has robbed it of 56% of tourist activity compared to last year.

The situation of the archipelago is much worse, since the decrease in activity is being 80%, with losses (money not entered) of 12,717 million. These "devastating results place the Spanish tourism sector as the most damaged of all sectors of the Spanish economy by not having been able to produce, store, or sell its services for months," Exceltur points out.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Spain
  • Europe
  • economy
  • tourism

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