Teller Report

Seize online marketing opportunities: small and medium businesses use Dongfeng large enterprises to seek transformation

8/18/2020, 9:29:32 PM

Under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, businesses seize online marketing opportunities Online shop, gathering popularity has a coup   Unwilling to go shopping and lazy to get out of the door, online shopping has long become an important way of life for the "home" people.   A few days ago, the "2020 Alimama M Summit" was held in Hangzhou, and more than 600 merc...

Under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, businesses seize online marketing opportunities

Online shop, gathering popularity has a coup

  Unwilling to go shopping and lazy to get out of the door, online shopping has long become an important way of life for the "home" people.

  A few days ago, the "2020 Alimama M Summit" was held in Hangzhou, and more than 600 merchants and service providers participated in the discussion on Alimama's "growth in the digital age". During the interview, the reporter found that in the context of the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, more and more businesses are striving to seize opportunities for online marketing.

  Small and medium businesses borrow from the east

  The Chinese ice cream brand "Zhong Xuegao" from Shanghai adopts a unique Chinese tile-shaped design and selects high-quality ingredients from all over the world, which has strong originality. After more than two years of development, "Zhong Xuegao" has become a popular Internet celebrity trendy product and is favored by young consumers. According to Zhou Bing, vice president of Zhong Xuegao Foods (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., e-commerce platforms such as Tmall have contributed to the development of enterprises.

  "In the past, the ice cream market was regional. People buy ice cream based on the need to quench their thirst and cool off the heat. It is not only affected by the weather and location, but also has strong random and passive consumption characteristics.'Zhong Xuegao' focuses on boutique features and elaborate production. , Hoping to create high-quality snacks with more certain consumption scenarios and more proactive consumption decision-making.” Zhou Bing said, on the one hand, Zhong Xuegao’s target customer group overlaps with Tmall users; on the other hand, epidemic prevention and control are normal. Under modernization, people stay at home for a longer period of time. Therefore, the big data and precise push services provided by e-commerce are important links for companies to do well in online marketing.

  Chen Yaguang, chief operating officer of the new self-operated business of Hangzhou Adopted Yidiu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., told reporters that the company has 7 modern farms in Hebei, Heilongjiang, Shandong and other places, with a full annual output value of 3 billion yuan. In just over 4 years, the company has gained 4 million followers on the Tmall platform, and online sales accounted for more than 80%.

  "Our product design also highlights simple packaging, less additions, fast circulation, and strong service, sharing the cost saved in each link with consumers." Chen Yaguang said that Alimama and Tmall provide the company with digital and intelligent service support . The former can help the company better picture consumer groups and preferences, and find target users in a wider range of Alipay, Youku, Xianyu, etc.; the latter can provide intelligent voice shopping services for the elderly and children through Tmall Wizard, and conduct Traceability of the entire industry chain of the product.

  Large companies seek transformation

  Compared with start-ups, mature large companies are equally unambiguous in online marketing.

  Gujia Home Furnishing is a well-known enterprise engaged in the research, production and sales of home furnishing products for guest restaurants and bedrooms. Its products are exported to more than 120 countries and regions and have more than 6,000 brand stores. Now, as the person in charge of the corporate brand management center, Liu Hong, the vice president of Gujia Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., attaches great importance to online store marketing.

  "Traditionally speaking, the consumption of household products has the characteristics of long decision-making cycle and high requirements for scene experience, but this will also change with the changes in people's living and lifestyle. For example, e-commerce platforms such as Taobao and Tmall can be scene-oriented The software provides a 360-degree VR scene map, allowing consumers to more intuitively understand the product features when visiting our online stores, and achieve'what you see is what you get'. Online and offline complement each other, not only can promote the function of sofa, small massage chair and other light weight The sales of customized and standardized household products will help us achieve efficient marketing of customized products and services," said Liu Hong.

  Liu Bo, vice president of Alibaba Group, told reporters that from early February to mid-April, the entire Taobao e-commerce department added more than 2 million new shops. This also means that more businesses need to find the rhythm of online shop.

  According to Liu Bo, Alimama will work hard to provide support for merchants to open stores online from three major directions: First, support new brands. In the field of marketing, with more trendy products entering the market, Alibaba will provide multiple dimensions of refueling packages to help these new brands achieve refined operations. The second is to focus on industrial belts. There are often strong linkages between industries and industrial chains. Alibaba has strengthened its attention to this kind of linkage and improved the supply of marketing services in the dimension of the industry, such as driving official live broadcasts, planning big IP drainage, and strengthening cooperation with local governments. The third is to help small, medium and micro enterprises. With a large number and variety of small and medium-sized stores, they are the most dynamic market players. This year is a critical period in the growth of small stores. During the "Double 11" period, Ali will be inclined in gameplay design and product strategy.

  "The epidemic has further deepened consumers' reliance on online consumption. We found that the sooner the online and offline store integration and the earlier the new retail layout, the better the product sales, the stronger the ability to resist risks and shocks. In the future, on the basis of in-depth insights into new trends, new demands, new products, and new media, we will further deepen the cooperation and linkage between online and offline forms in brand digital marketing, and jointly promote the steady release of consumer demand." Liu Bo Say.

  Wang Junling