Teller Report

Patriarch Kirill denied reports of his wealth

8/2/2020, 1:40:33 PM

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia called the reports of his wealth nonsense, noting that attacks on the church are carried out in order to discredit it. This was reported by RIA Novosti.

After the divine service in the temple of the Prophet Elijah in Moscow, he said that "terrible things" were written about the patriarch, bishop, priests, but there "not even a drop of truth exists."

“All this is aimed at compromising those who proclaim the truth of God so that the people stop listening and trusting,” the patriarch said.

He also cited as an example a case when one of the bishops asked him for money. According to Patriarch Kirill, the bishop thought he had $ 6 billion.

“I looked at this Vladyka and said:“ Are you kidding? ”... So, this nonsense reached the consciousness of the bishop, and he believed in him,” he said.

In June 2017, Patriarch Kirill called on the clergy not to drive expensive foreign cars, even if they received them as a gift.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church stated that “whole cavalcades of expensive limousines” at the churches evoke the expected reaction in people.

Patriarch Kirill also called on the abbess of the Intercession Monastery, Abbess Theophania (Miskina) to sell "the Mercedes Benz S-class car in her possession."