Teller Report

Advertisements for "conversion therapies" banned from Facebook

7/11/2020, 9:48:18 AM

Facebook and Instagram policies have been updated to announce the removal of this content The Facebook logo on the screens of Times Square in New York - Richard Drew / AP / SIPA It's over, you will no longer see advertisements for “conversion therapies” on Facebook and Instagram. The parent company of the two social networks announced Friday that it would no longer promote these alleged therapies without scientific basis that say they can change a person's sexual orientation. The Face...

The Facebook logo on the screens of Times Square in New York - Richard Drew / AP / SIPA

It's over, you will no longer see advertisements for “conversion therapies” on Facebook and Instagram. The parent company of the two social networks announced Friday that it would no longer promote these alleged therapies without scientific basis that say they can change a person's sexual orientation.

The Facebook and Instagram policies - which are part of the same group - have been updated to announce the removal of content promoting these "conversion therapies", which are dangerous to the mental health of those who experience them. "We do not allow attacks on people based on their sexual orientation or gender identity," a spokesman for the California giant told AFP.

A “danger for LGBTQ people”

According to the respected American Medical Association (AMA), these “conversion” interventions include electroshock or food deprivation. "It is clear to us at WADA that conversion therapies must stop in the United States given the danger for LGBTQ people," said an official of this association, Dr. William Kobler, last year.

In 2013, the World Medical Association condemned these "therapies" as human rights violations, finding them incompatible with the ethics of medical action. A UN expert called for a global ban on Wednesday.


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