Teller Report

Bathing places: what are the "Blue Pavilions" for?

7/4/2020, 5:22:07 AM

Over 500 seaside resorts proudly display the "Blue Flag", which rewards quality beaches and marinas. Yet criticized, this label created in 1985 is an essential asset for bathing places in order to attract tourists in summer.

Over 500 seaside resorts proudly display the "Blue Flag", which rewards quality beaches and marinas. Yet criticized, this label created in 1985 is an essential asset for bathing places in order to attract tourists in summer.

The "Blue Flag", more important than ever? While the coronavirus crisis is not over and the French are invited to spend their holidays on the national territory, this label awarded each year can prove to be decisive when choosing its holiday location. Proof of its importance in the eyes of seaside resorts, there have never been as many winners as this year, with 21 beaches and 5 marinas rewarded for this 2020 vintage.

No less than 40 criteria

Created in 1985, the "Blue Flag" rewards the bacteriological quality of the water, but also efforts on cleanliness (recycling, garbage cans, etc.), public awareness of respect for the environment, preservation of natural sites , security for welcoming the public, welcoming people with reduced mobility. In total, 40 criteria come to sanction the efforts of the places which have applied. In 2020, 401 beaches and 106 marinas can display this "Blue Flag".

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Occitania is the region with the most awarded places, with 109 beaches and 19 ports. It is followed by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region (96 "Pavillons Bleus"), the Pays de la Loire, Brittany and New Aquitaine. Surprisingly, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region has more decorated beaches than Normandy, yet a coastal region. This is explained by the existence of beaches inland, such as around the lakes of Savoy and the Ardèche river.

A label only "tourist"?

One point is particularly scrutinized by tourists about this "Blue Flag": the quality of the water. It is assessed by the regional health agencies. And according to the Surfrider Foundation, this label is a "tourist and not environmental label". The coastal protection NGO denounces the fact that the assessments do not deal with chemical pollution of the waters, with measurements only made during the summer. Furthermore, the blue flag is awarded on request and the list of awarded places is therefore not exhaustive.