Teller Report

Approving the participation of 7 foreign professionals in the Saudi league next season

7/4/2020, 6:12:28 PM

The Board of Directors of the Saudi Football Association has adopted a number of decisions concerning the number of professional players as well as births in football competitions for the next sports season (2020/2021), based on what was submitted by a committee to study the eligibility and conditions of players in the federation.

The Board of Directors of the Saudi Football Association has adopted a number of decisions regarding the number of professional players as well as births in football competitions for the upcoming sports season (2020/2021), based on what was submitted by a committee to study the eligibility and conditions of players in the federation.

The Council approved that the responsibility for determining the eligibility of players' participation in the Premier League clubs and the first-class clubs league with the Saudi Professional League League, and that the responsibility for determining the eligibility of players participating in the second division clubs league be on the Competitions Committee in the Saudi Federation.

The Council also approved reducing the number of children born to minors in the age groups from 3 players to 2 in each grade of the age groups, and that if the player reaches 18 years of age, the club has the right to register him as a professional player or keep him as an amateur player, provided that his classification is in the youth level, And in the event that the club wishes to classify the player in the first team, his registration as a professional player, and the council also approved the non-eligibility of third-class clubs to register players born in the first team.

The number of foreigners and newborns in the first, first and second class clubs has also been determined:

In the Premium Class: The number of foreign players (7 players), the number of players born (one player), and the age of the player born is not more than: 28 years (born 1993).

In the first degree: the number of foreign players (4 players), the number of players born (one player), and the age of the player born is not more than: 26 years (born in 1995).

The second degree: the number of foreign players (2 players), the number of players born (one player), and the age of the player born is not more than: 24 years (born in 1997).

An exception is for the ages mentioned, the professional born baby who is registered in his club and continues in the same club before the decision is issued.

The Council also approved the addition of Saudi professional players in the second division clubs, according to the following controls:

The maximum limit for Saudi professional players should not be more than 6 players, and the minimum limit for all professional players should not be less than 2 players, and wages for Saudi professional players should not exceed 8 thousand riyals and not less than 4 thousand riyals. In the event that the club does not bring foreign players and professional babies, it is entitled to replace them with professional Saudi players.

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