Teller Report

Municipal: defeats but "also important victories" for the PCF

6/29/2020, 1:38:09 PM

The second round of municipal elections was marked by a real green breakthrough, but also a decrease in red municipalities. The Communist Party has indeed lost many of its historic strongholds, but not enough to sound the death knell for the party and its battles, assured, Monday on Europe 1, Fabien Roussel, secretary general of the PCF.

The second round of municipal elections was marked by a real green breakthrough, but also a decrease in red municipalities. The Communist Party has indeed lost many of its historic strongholds, but not enough to sound the death knell for the party and its battles, assured, Monday on Europe 1, Fabien Roussel, secretary general of the PCF.


The second round of municipal elections on Sunday saw a green wave sweep over France with the victory of environmental candidates in many major cities. But this election also marks a turning point for the Communist Party (PCF), which lost many of its historic strongholds, including Arles, Champigny-sur-Marne, communist since 1977, or even Saint-Denis, in the hands of the PCF since the Release.

However, the PCF is not dead, says Fabien Roussel, secretary general of the party. Invited to Europe 1 on Monday, the latter prides himself on having nevertheless recorded great victories.

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"Very important victories in which we have participated"

"Yes, we have lost important cities, but we have gained equally symbolic and important cities", insists Fabien Roussel, enumerating Noisy-le-Sec (Seine-Saint-Denis), Corbeil-Essonnes (Essonne), Tergnier ( Aisne), Saint-Paul (Reunion), Villejuif (Val de Marne), Bobigny (Seine-Saint-Denis), but also Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), Vitry-sur-Seine and Ivry-sur-Seine ( Val de Marne), from the first round.

"We have recorded some losses, but we have also recorded new victories," said the PCF secretary general, referring to the massive victory of socialist and environmental candidates with whom the communist lists have merged. This is particularly the case for Marseille, Bordeaux, Nancy, Strasbourg, and Poitiers. "These are very important victories in which we have participated," says Fabien Roussel. "So we will have additional new elected officials in these cities."

The "added value" of the PCF

Has the PCF not surfed the green wave to limit breakage and maintain itself in many municipal councils? Certainly not, replies the secretary general of the party. "For how many years have we been asking, us, that this money which flows freely for some, be put at the service of this fight for the human being and the planet?", Questions Fabien Roussel, recalling the slogan of the party: " Human and the planet first ".

"We are among those who are fighting to reduce inequality, to fight for jobs and the reindustrialisation of the country," he continues. The PCF even brings added value, explains Fabien Roussel. "Because how are we going to pay for energy renovation in buildings, investment in trains and public transport to make them free?"

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According to him, the PCF carries the fight of the world of work, youth, districts ... As for those who would evoke a copy-paste of the argument of La France insoumise, Fabien Roussel answers them: "We are 100 years old If there’s one that copies over the other, it’s the one that came after, "he laughs. "We have a little background, these ideas are ours, and we defended them with vigor."