Teller Report

The blow of a professor of medicine against Didier Raoult

6/24/2020, 5:00:33 PM

While Didier Raoult is auditioned this Wednesday by the Commission of Inquiry of the National Assembly on the Covid-19 crisis, the & nbsp; professor of medicine at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, Stéphane Gaudry, pushes a rant against the positions of the Marseille microbiologist. & nbsp;

While Didier Raoult is auditioned this Wednesday by the Commission of Inquiry of the National Assembly on the Covid-19 crisis, the professor of medicine at the Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, Stéphane Gaudry, pushes a rant against the positions from the Marseille microbiologist. 


He does not mince his words against Didier Raoult. Guest of Europe 1's "Big Evening Newspaper" this Wednesday, while the defender of hydroxychloroquine is questioned by the National Assembly's commission of inquiry on the coronavirus, Stéphane Gaudry "questions intellectual honesty "from the microbiologist. "Didier Raoult knows very well what he is doing when he announces that 25,000 deaths in France could have been avoided with hydroxychloroquine, but he says that without any scientific proof", tackles the professor of intensive medicine at Avicenne hospital in Bobigny, in Seine-Saint-Denis. 

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Less dead? "Defamatory" Comments for Doctors

"Almost the entire scientific community agrees that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective in view of the published data", immediately reminds the professor of medicine. But "the more you say something that has no very strong meaning, the more you are listened to in this country! I do not quite understand why elsewhere." According to Stéphane Gaudry, announcing therefore that the use of the molecule would have saved thousands of lives is "defamatory vis-à-vis doctors who have respected their code of ethics". "We did not prescribe this treatment, and we treated it!"


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Intellectual honesty called into question

Questioning the intellectual honesty of Didier Raoult, but also of Christian Péronne, head of the infectious diseases department at Garches hospital and initiator of a petition in April to soften the possibilities of prescribing hydroxychloroquine. Stéphane Gaudry also recalls that the latter have "books to sell" and do not hesitate to make the link with their media outings and their divisive positions.  

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