Teller Report

Pakistan: "negligence" at the origin of the air crash in Karachi

6/24/2020, 2:43:13 PM

More than a month after the crash of an A320 of Pakistan International Airlines in southern Pakistan, which left 97 dead of the 99 people on board, the conclusions of the preliminary report…

Pakistan: "negligence" at the origin of the air crash in Karachi

Ambulances crowd the crash site in a residential area of ​​Karachi, Pakistan, May 22, 2020. REUTERS / Akhtar Soomro

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More than a month after the crash of an Pakistan International Airlines A320 in southern Pakistan, which left 97 dead of the 99 people on board, the conclusions of the preliminary report are formal: the crash was due to the "Negligence" of pilots and air traffic controllers and not of technical problems. At a press conference on Wednesday, June 24, the Pakistani Aviation Minister spoke of "overconfidence" in the air and on the ground.


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With our correspondent in Islamabad , Sonia Ghezali

The pilot and co-pilot were not concentrated while the aircraft was in the landing phase, we discover in this preliminary report.  They talked about the corona. The virus was on their minds, their families were affected and they were discussing it,  "said the Pakistani Minister of Aviation. We also learn that the two men ignored the recommendations of the control tower.

When they attempted to land on the runway, the aircraft landing gear returned. The engines struck the ground several times before the aircraft took off. A fire broke out in the reactors. But the control tower did not inform the pilots. The Airbus A320 will end its run on homes in a district near Karachi airport .

40% of pilots have a false license

Negligence and overconfidence are therefore behind the crash that occurred on May 22. This is revealed by the black boxes of the PIA A320.

The Karachi tragedy has been added to a long list of plane crashes in Pakistan. This is why the authorities have launched a broader investigation into the sector with edifying conclusions. It reveals that 40% of Pakistani pilots have false licenses. 

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  • Pakistan
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  • Aeronautics

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