Teller Report

Chongqing Customs seized 28.8 kilograms of various smuggled drugs from January to June

6/24/2020, 12:13:49 PM

  China News Service, Chongqing, June 24 (Reporter Han Lu) The marijuana hidden in toys, dried mangoes and candy, the "Smurfs" disguised as calcium tablets... The reporter learned from Chongqing Customs on the 24th that January to June this year Chongqing Customs has filed a total of 6 cases of smuggling drugs and seized 28.8 kilograms of various drugs such as magu and cannabis suspected of smuggl...

  China News Service, Chongqing, June 24 (Reporter Han Lu) The marijuana hidden in toys, dried mangoes and candy, the "Smurfs" disguised as calcium tablets... The reporter learned from Chongqing Customs on the 24th that January to June this year Chongqing Customs has filed a total of 6 cases of smuggling drugs and seized 28.8 kilograms of various drugs such as magu and cannabis suspected of smuggling into the country.

The picture shows some smuggled drugs imported by Chongqing Customs. Photo courtesy of Chongqing Customs

  In June this year, the Chongqing Post Office Customs, a subsidiary of the Chongqing Customs, found that the image of a parcel was abnormal and suspected of being hidden during a machine inspection of inbound mail, so it was manually opened and inspected. After dismantling, a bag of dried cannabis leaf hidden in the toy box was found, weighing about 500 grams.

  It is understood that smoking marijuana can make people mentally excited in the short term, but long-term smoking may cause acute and chronic mental illness, anxiety, depersonalization and other mental abnormalities, causing serious health hazards.

  In September last year, Chongqing Customs seized more and more cannabis dried leaves in incoming mail. The biggest difference between these seized drugs is that they are hidden in vacuum-sealed bags, disguised as dried mango and candy, but they still cannot escape the "eyes of the fire" of customs officers. In addition, Chongqing Customs also seized cannabis products such as cigarette oil mixed with hemp extract oil and biscuits containing hemp ingredients.

The picture shows some smuggled drugs imported by Chongqing Customs. Photo courtesy of Chongqing Customs

  Last year, Chongqing Customs also seized a batch of "drugs" from incoming mail. This batch of "pharmaceuticals" is disguised as "calcium tablets for the elderly", but in fact contains the ingredients of flunazepam, a national second-class psychoactive drug. Flunitrazepam, known as the "Smurf", is far more harmful than traditional drugs such as heroin, opium, and methamphetamine. After taking it, acute poisoning symptoms such as accelerated heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and liver and kidney failure will appear in the short term. Long-term use of flunitrazepam is extremely addictive. A large amount of short-term use will cause paranoia, anxiety, panic, victimized delusions and other reactions. Severe mental disorders will even lead to convulsions, shock, and stroke death.

  June 26 is International Drug Control Day. Chongqing Customs reminded that everyone is responsible for boycotting drugs. Any act of carrying, sending or smoking drugs is illegal, and you should never try the law yourself. If it is indeed necessary for treatment to bring or post controlled psychotropic substances into and out of the country, they shall take the initiative to declare truthfully to the customs. The customs shall examine and release the medical institution's diagnosis, doctor's prescription and personal identification certificate.