Teller Report

A primary school student tested positive for coronavirus in Toulouse

6/24/2020, 4:18:44 PM

A student at Clément-Falcucci elementary school, in the Toulouse district of Bagatelle, tested positive for coronavirus

A school being disinfected in Nice, because of the Covid-19. Drawing. - Syspeo / Sipa

According to the Toulouse Academy, the formalization of this positive test dates from this Wednesday in the early morning. A student from Clément-Falcucci elementary school, in the Toulouse district of Bagatelle, contracted the Covid-19. Her classmates were placed in the fortnight, as well as three adults: their teacher, a student accompanist with a disability (AESH) and a leader of the leisure center associated with the school (Claé).

Whatever the result of the test to which they will be subjected, all must remain in solitary confinement for fourteen days. Their school year is therefore over. Other municipal officials, considered contact cases after a health survey conducted on Wednesday, must also be placed in solitary confinement.

On the other hand, the other adults and children of this public establishment were not exposed to the coronavirus, according to the academy. "They can therefore return to school without difficulty," says the latter.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Education
  • Deconfinement
  • Covid 19
  • Society

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