Teller Report

José Fernández, councilor of the PP: "Vox is not going to put me in the closet and Podemos is not going to tell me how to get out"

6/21/2020, 11:34:22 PM

José Fernández (49) is a councilor for the Salamanca and Central Madrid districts. Between the two they have more than 300,000 inhabitants. He has been affiliated with the PP all his life and has lived all his

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José Fernández (49) is a councilor for the Salamanca and Central Madrid districts. Between the two they have more than 300,000 inhabitants. He has been affiliated with the PP all his life and has lived all its evolution. From the Popular Party of Aznar to the current one of Pablo Casado. In his office, a photograph with Mariano Rajoy attracts attention, to which he dedicates affectionate words: "He was a statesman, with him an era of politicians who knew how to dialogue and build closes . I trust that this role can also be done by Pablo Married". Jose sin tilde, as his friends call him, has been a councilor for the Madrid City Council for a year and joins the list of the most influential LGBIQ + people.

He relates that in adolescence he realized that he was homosexual and his family accepted him very naturally. "They made it easy for me, especially I leaned on my two sisters." Unfortunately, one of them passed away very young, but it was the person who taught her to see life as a gift. "You have to live in the moment, the problems come alone. That was taught to me by my sister. Also my friends, the true friends seem fundamental to me. I am very optimistic and here (in the District Board of the Salamanca neighborhood that he directs) the people laughs at my optimism. "

In addition to being optimistic, José is a career official. "I always liked politics, since I was a child. I studied law and took some oppositions. I entered the City Hall and then the two things have crossed, the administrative and the politics."

José believes that the best weapon to fight homophobia is respect and he does not understand that legitimate causes such as the defense of LGTBIQ + rights are politicized. "It is good that they tell us how to be a good feminist or a good gay. That is the serious mistake, when a cause wants to appropriate an ideology. I do not like populism, sometimes I am very critical of Vox. I Those of Vox are not going to put me in the closet, but we can not tell me how to get out either. I always respect. I am a believer, for example, and my partner is not. We both respect each other, we should not be on the extremes. One day we will get our country to be like this, to flee from the poles. I demand the Transition, the politicians of that time are my references. "

José Fernández in his office JAVIER BARBANCHO

José has been with his partner for almost four years. At the moment they do not think about a wedding but they do not rule it out either. The same thing happens with fatherhood, although José has two nephews who are his great passion. "The issue of marriage is there and then I have two nephews who have covered my paternal instinct. Still, I think that raising a family is one of the most beautiful things and that is why I am in favor of surrogacy."

Her niece is 25 years old and her nephew is 13. They both know that their uncle is gay and they know their partner, with whom they get along great. José has turned them into true Star Wars geeks like him and they admire him very much.


José usually celebrates Pride every year, although this year he will be decaffeinated because of the Covid-19. "I meet friends, I have gone to the parade, to parties ... It is a celebration that is part of Madrid. I have had a great time, now I am 49 and you are changing over the years, but yes, I usually go always."

Although nobody likes labels, José is gay and right-wing, "center-right," he says. He agrees on the idea of ​​encouraging colleagues from his party and others to 'come out of the closet': "It seems essential to me not to hide what you are."

As a movie buff, he is shocked by the controversy generated by the 'racist' movie Gone with the Wind . "That movie ... And the subject of the statues? Churchill, the man who fought against Nazism ... I totally rebel against these new censors that we have." And he returns to the stereotypes: "I am really tired of being gay, feminist or black, you have to be on the left. Let me be whatever you want."

The councilor does not claim any LGTBIQ + reference. He considers them important but he has found their role models in his family. "My parents, my sisters ... They are personal rather than external references." He assures that he does not remember having been involved in an episode of homophobia, although he considers that in this matter one must always be vigilant. He feels lucky to have always lived in Madrid, an open city that has allowed him to enjoy freedom.

On the other hand, there is no plan to make the leap to national politics. "I love municipal politics, I vindicate it, it is the first echelon of the administration. I am a convinced municipalist."

The councilman does not want to overlook the work of the mayor # SúperAlmeida. "I miss the high politics and for that you have to lead it. Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias are not doing it. The example of this leadership we are seeing in the councilman José Luis Martínez-Almeida. Many people have been surprised by his management But those of us on his team already knew his capabilities. "

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Vox
  • We can
  • Madrid
  • PP
  • Pablo Casado
  • Salamanca
  • Star wars
  • Pedro Sánchez
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • LOC

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