Teller Report

Where is the PSOE going?

6/19/2020, 3:23:36 PM

Thesis. With the leadership of Felipe González the PSOE got on time with the West. Shore the Marxist and revolutionary fickleness typical of the political dynamics of the anti-Franco

Thesis. With the leadership of Felipe González the PSOE got on time with the West. Bordered by the Marxist and revolutionary fickleness typical of the political dynamics of anti-Francoism - instrumental in competing in radicalism with the PCE -, at the hand of González, the PSOE embraced a modernizing project with a national vocation. A project that expressed ad intra the space of reformist socialism within the Transition consensus, while projecting ad extra a socialism aimed at anchoring Spain in the space of the EU and NATO in the context of the Cold War. González, Craxi and Soares -and with the help of Will

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