Teller Report

Double bread luck - both Jakob and Filip set a record in Oslo

6/12/2020, 6:14:45 AM

It was double bread luck for Jakob and Filip Ingebrigtsen at the gala at Bislett last night. Jakob set the European record at 2000 meters and Filip set the Norwegian record at 1000 meters. The family happiness was completed when Henrik joined the team that beat Kenya in a challenge.

It was old records that were broken. Jakob wiped out legend Steve Crams, who followed the race as a commentator, the 2000 m record of 4.51.39 from 1985 when he crossed the finish line at 4.50.01.

Filip erased Olympic champion Vebjörn Rodal's 1000 m record of 2.16.78 from 1996 and recorded 2.16.46.

Filip had a record run in his legs when he ran 2,000 meters, which was a challenge against a Kenyan quintet, led by Timothy Cheruiyot, who ran in a rainy Nairobi.

"We are about to take over the world"

- It was absolutely fantastic. It was extra nice to do well for my own part and especially to bring the whole team with us, says Jakob, who looked to miss the record but had a huge finish in the last 300 meters.

The oldest brother, Henrik, was second in the race at 4.53.72, while Philip finished third at 4.56.91.

The Norwegian brothers won the duel against Kenya (medieval of the top three) where it was long even. But the distance took its toll and the 1500-meter world champion, Timothy Cheruiyot, first crossed the finish line at 5.03.05 at a deserted stadium in Nairobi.

- We are about to take over the world. When it is not Kenya anymore, it is Norway, Henrik states, for NRK.