Teller Report

Author Thomas Pettersson: "Convinced that it is Skandia Man"

6/10/2020, 4:06:42 AM

The murder of Prime Minister Olof Palme has since 1986 involved police, writers, journalists and ordinary people. On June 10, Chief Prosecutor Krister Petersson is expected to present the solution to the riddle. "It will be an end no matter what the outcome is, and it feels very good," says Thomas Pettersson, journalist and author of the book The Unlikely Killer.

On February 28, 1986, Sweden's then Prime Minister Olof Palme was murdered on Sveavägen in central Stockholm. 34 years have passed and the murder mystery has been rife with police, writers, journalists and ordinary people alike. Who murdered Olof Palme?

During Wednesday, Chief Prosecutor Krister Petersson and Detective Leader Dag Melander are expected to present the results of their investigation during a digital press conference, one for many historical messages.

"It will be an end"

- It will be an ending. Whatever the results, it will lead to it, and it feels very good, says Thomas Pettersson, journalist and author of the book The Unlikely Killer about the Palm murder, to the Culture News.

In 2018, Thomas Pettersson pointed out the so-called Skandia man as Palme's killer in a mentioned report in Filter magazine. For 12 years he worked on the case on his own. He interviewed witnesses and dug in investigative material and also had continuous contact with the Palmegroup.

- The first e-mail I wrote was to Scout leader Stig Edqvist in 2011, then I had contact with Dag Andersson during his time and now during Dag Melander and Krister Peterson's time. It's always been about the Skandia man, he says, and continues:

- I was interrogated in September 2017 and in connection with that they declared that the Skandia man would investigate properly. For me it was like going to the finish. It has been a long process and a lot of research. The goal was to start the preliminary investigation against the Skandia man.

"Investigation work needed to be done"

- I am convinced that they will highlight him as a perpetrator, but I certainly am not, says Thomas Pettersson.

Your report in Filter was presented as the solution to the riddle with the name and image of a private person. If it turns out he is not guilty, how do you view your work?

- The work needed to be done. Although I have disagreed with many, whether the Skandia man is a perpetrator or not, I have not come across anyone who has not found it necessary to do the investigative work. I do not feel that what I have done is meaningless.