Teller Report

Byung-Chul Han: "Only the rich can afford social distance"

6/6/2020, 1:00:29 AM

Interviewing Byung-Chul Han is quite a ritual. It only accepts written questions and only answers in German. As if making sure that your interlocutor is willing to circumvent co





Updated Friday, 5 June 2020 - 22:36

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Interviewing Byung-Chul Han is quite a ritual. It only accepts written questions and only answers in German. As if making sure that your interlocutor is willing to avoid complications. He was born in Seoul, South Korea , in 1959, and did not arrive in Germany until he was 26 years old. German is not his first language but it is the one on which the thinking of a philosopher who transmits his ideas with great clarity is based on short but intense books that do not require superhuman scholarship to be a

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