Teller Report

After "unblocking" in Germany, many infections occur

5/17/2020, 9:22:01 PM

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) After the German "unblocking", there are many aggregation infections   China News Agency, Berlin, May 17 (Reporter Peng Dawei) Since further "unblocking" public places such as restaurants and cafes on the 15th, there have been gathering infections in many places in Germany, involving slaughterhouses, express logistics centers and refugees. Facilities such...

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) After the German "unblocking", there are many aggregation infections

  China News Agency, Berlin, May 17 (Reporter Peng Dawei) Since further "unblocking" public places such as restaurants and cafes on the 15th, there have been gathering infections in many places in Germany, involving slaughterhouses, express logistics centers and refugees. Facilities such as resettlement sites. Among them, a refugee settlement in St. Augustine, NRW, which can accommodate 600 people, has tested positive for 70 new crowns on the 17th.

  According to the German "Times Online" report, as of 20:18 local time on the 17th, Germany has cumulatively diagnosed 177,266 people with new coronary pneumonia, cured 15,400 people, and died 8,162 people.

  According to the German News Agency, the Cologne administrative government announced on the 17th that a refugee settlement that can accommodate 600 people in St. Augustine, near Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, has now conducted a new crown test on 300 of them. The published results show that A total of 70 people were positive. Authorities have now isolated those diagnosed, most of them showing no symptoms or only mild symptoms.

  This is the third refugee settlement site in North Rhine-Westphalia where outbreaks have gathered and infected. Earlier, more than 50 people and more than 30 people were diagnosed at the two refugee settlements in Ouskills and Mettmann in the state.

  On the 16th of this month, the logistics and sorting center of the German express delivery service DPD in Heinsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, was forced to close due to the infection of about 80 employees with new pneumonia. The 400 employees of the center are currently in isolation. It is worth noting that the county of Heinsberg was once thought to be the beginning of a large-scale outbreak of new crown outbreaks in Germany due to a cluster of carnival infections in February, and it once became the most serious county in Germany. The county has indicated that it will study and introduce further anti-epidemic measures on the 18th.

  The German slaughter industry also has frequent infections. In Straubing-Bogen, Bavaria, due to the infection of 81 people in a slaughterhouse in the county, it was announced on the 17th that it had broken through the German government at all levels and had previously added an average of 50 new cases per 100,000 people for the seven days set by the "unblocking". This "warning line".

  In the past week, there have also been infections in slaughterhouses in Cosfield County, North Rhine-Westphalia, Dissen, Lower Saxony, Bad Bramstedt, Illinois, and North Friesland.

  In response to hidden dangers in slaughterhouse working conditions and foreign workers ’collective dormitories, the German Federal Minister of Labor Hubetus Haier and the Minister of Agriculture Klerkner have stated that they will make rectifications. (Finish)