Teller Report

2736 new cases of "corona" in Saudi Arabia, with a total of 312 deaths

5/17/2020, 10:52:24 PM

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced yesterday that the total number of cases of recovery of people infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) increased to more than 25 thousand cases, while Saudi Minister of Health, Tawfiq Bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah confirmed that the Kingdom is one of the least countries in the death rate, and The lowest percentage of cases

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced yesterday that the total number of cases of recovery of people infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) increased to more than 25 thousand cases, while Saudi Minister of Health, Tawfiq Bin Fawzan Al-Rabiah confirmed that the Kingdom is one of the least countries in the death rate, and The lowest in the proportion of critical cases in the world as a result of the pandemic, pointing to the increase in examinations and absorptive capacity in laboratories to more than three times.

In detail, the Ministry of Health announced yesterday that it had registered 2736 new cases of the new Corona virus (COFED-19), bringing the total number of registered cases to 54,752 cases, and recording 10 deaths, bringing the total to 312 deaths, and 2056 cases registered Recovered, bringing the total number of recovering cases to 25,722 cases.

The Saudi Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfiq Bin Fawzan Al Rabiah, affirmed that the Kingdom is one of the lowest countries in the mortality rate, and the lowest in the proportion of critical cases in the world as a result of the Corona pandemic, indicating that this is a measure of medical work.

Al Rabiah said that the increase in the number of injuries resulted from the increase in the number of examinations and the absorptive capacity in the laboratories, to more than three times the capacity that was at the beginning of the pandemic, as well as the expanded examination in all regions of the Kingdom, stressing that more tests will be launched to discover the largest possible number of cases To save her.

And the committee concerned with following up the health status of the Corona virus in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia held a meeting to review the epidemiological situation of the virus worldwide, the cases recorded in the Kingdom, and to check on their health conditions.

The committee praised the interaction of all with the curfew order, calling for staying in homes and not going out except for the most urgent necessity, and the Ministry of Health spokesperson, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abdali, confirmed that the new laboratory tests conducted in the Kingdom numbered 18,285, bringing the total checks to 570 A total of 360 examinations.

For his part, the security spokesman for the Saudi Ministry of Interior, Lt. Col. Talal Al-Shalhoub, drew attention to the fact that the indicators of women and children being infected with the virus as a result of family visits, indicating that the times during which it is permitted to roam are aimed at enabling everyone to meet their most basic needs, and that visits and gatherings that are not in conformity with the regulation Gatherings.

He explained that the curfew regulation aims to impose social separation and the organization of human gatherings, which are a direct cause of the outbreak of the new Corona virus, and reduce it, so as to ensure the prevention of the spread of the virus and the loss of control and contain it.

He indicated that the security authorities monitored, during the previous two days, several gatherings by street vendors in more than one location, and they were identified by the competent authorities with the support of the security authorities.

Lt. Col. Al-Shalhoub emphasized the prevention of gatherings in all their forms, forms, and places of occurrence, including any gathering of one or more families, consisting of five or more people, as well as preventing non-family gatherings, gatherings in social events, labor gatherings, and gatherings in authorized stores, that exceed the stated numbers On them in the precautionary measures and preventive measures.


A thousand cases of healing from "Corona" in the Kingdom, and the total number of injuries reaches 54,752.

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