Teller Report

[Interview file] 'Bust guard', 'Face selfie cleaner'… There was no law for them

5/14/2020, 5:46:27 AM

The law was only created after a long, long time between the indignation and struggle of many people. In 2013, a large business executive beat a crew member saying ramen was less ripe. The following year, an apartment security guard died of fire by burning fire on his body.

The law was only created after a long, long time between the indignation and struggle of many people. In 2013, a large business executive beat a crew member saying ramen was less ripe. The following year, an apartment security guard died of fire by burning fire on his body. The law was created to prevent such incidents only after the media hit the media every day, such as the 'mother and daughter of a department store' kneeling on the staff's knees, and the 'call center sentiment worker' who died of their own pressure due to pressure on performance.

Expectations were high for the Emotional Workers Protection Act of 2018 and the Prohibition of Harassment in Workplace, established last year. 'Customer friendly' was a declaration that the law would protect workers who suppressed their feelings and worked under management values. It was a warning that he would no longer be able to curse and beat the workers for all sorts of ridiculous reasons. As the name of the law was written and called, it was believed that the weak would be protected and the crust would be banned.

● However, another man died On

the 10th, Choi Hee-seok, 59, an apartment security guard in Gangbuk, Seoul, died on his own. The idea was to push a parallel parked car. "We said it was our normal job, but the residents hit it," said Choi. Afterwards, he said, "When the residents dragged them into the bathroom and asked if there was no CCTV, there was no water, so I struck for over 10 minutes." Choi received a medical certificate saying that his nose was broken that day. On the 27th of last month, it was the sixth day since the appeal was made.

The victim of the medical certificate was Choi. However, the villager, who was named as a perpetrator, reportedly insulted him and reported Choi to the police. It was the very day when Choi was diagnosed with a broken nose. It wasn't until the next day that Choi accused the people of assault. The survivors said, "Since my nose was swollen, I asked him to take a break, but Choi continued to go to work saying there was no one to work on shifts." I worked 6 more days. Residents designated as perpetrators sent text messages when Choi was unable to work. When the police were investigated, the charges of assault would also be admitted. Residents passed a medical certificate issued in a traffic accident last year that had nothing to do with Choi. He called Mr. Choi 'the breast'.

Choi's statement came to light as residents of the city saw him assaulted and promised to help. It was already suffering for 13 days. In the case journal based on his statements, Choi was the only one to tell the residents. When he raised a child alone, he only said, "I'm sorry I can't quit because I have to live with my daughter." I apologized to the person who had beaten me because I had to eat and live even though I was beaten and insulted. "The manager asked for reconciliation, but the residents continued to ask Choi for a resignation, saying that one of them would die," he said. So Choi jumped from her apartment on the 13th floor. In the historic book, "I'm sorry, please reveal the innocence."

● "It's shameful to take a photo of the certification by placing it next to the mop."

Korea Land and Housing Corporation, LH's report on the rental house cleaning worker came. This month, I received a new order from the company, which asked me to take a face authentication photo after cleaning the villa. Ten of these workers were cleaned daily from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, taking up 8 villas each day, 5 days a week. Previously, dates and cleaned villas were reported weekly. They said, "I'm not convinced what the reason is not to take a clean picture, but to send a picture of the villa's name and face together."

Workers over the average age of 60 were reporting daily photos of authentication to the LH consignment management company via SNS group chat rooms. The workers complained of shame, saying, "I'm so sad when others look at me." However, the company continued to give instructions, saying, "Don't think hard. It's a simple thing." Shortly after the report, the company stopped such orders.

● One-year contract ... There is no law for them All the

dead apartment security guards and cleaning workers who were 'self-certified' were all contractors for one year. This means that whether or not to earn a living is decided every year. 'Employment anxiety' is at the root of their choice of accepting damage rather than appealing. "It is virtually impossible to demand correction from residents who are paid by the same contractor, even if the complaint is filed against the management office," said former security guard Choi Hee-seok, a colleague of the dead. Self-certified workers also made complaints after reporting, saying, "Why am I reporting and causing trouble?" In front of the problem of eating and living, irrationality is not so easy.

So is the law. It is said that it is difficult for security guards to fall under the Appraisal Workers Protection Act. The law targets workers 'mainly face-to-face customers' because the security guards are not responsible for the main task of the residents. Cleaning workers are also not subject to the Emotional Workers Protection Act for the same reason. The law on bullying in the workplace is no different. The law penalizes only if a worker is fired or penalized for reporting a harassment. Similar bullying can occur at any time, and the company only needs to correct it when the damage is noticed. The revised Apartment Housing Management Act also stated that tenant representatives and management entities should make efforts to improve the treatment of security guards and respect human rights, but there are no provisions for punishment. It really means we have to watch the sad sacrifices with more rage and hard work until they are protected and bullying is banned.  

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