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Basketball: Michael Jordan justifies his "selfish" reluctance to get involved politically - France 24

5/4/2020, 11:08:27 PM

Basketball: Michael Jordan justifies his "selfish" reluctance to get involved politically

Los Angeles (AFP)

Michael Jordan admitted that his reluctance to speak out politically during his NBA career was "probably selfish," adding that he "never considered himself an activist" in episode 5 of the documentary "The Last Dance "aired on ESPN on Sunday.

"I congratulate Mohamed Ali on defending his beliefs," said Jordan. "But I never considered myself an activist. I considered myself a basketball player. I focused on my job. Was it selfish? Probably. But that's where my energy was," he said. .

If the extraordinary sporting career of the greatest basketball player of all time occupies a central place in "TLD", less glorious subjects are discussed, such as his refusal when he was player to make his voice heard on the political or societal questions of his country.

In 1990, he was accused of not supporting the black Democratic candidate Harvey Gantt in the senatorial race in North Carolina against the elected republican Jesse Helms, known for his racist positions.

"The Republicans also buy sneakers," then joked privately Jordan, who long denied having uttered this controversial phrase.

"I don't think this quote should be corrected because I said it while joking on a bus with (my teammates) Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen," he said.

"It was taken out of context. My mother asked to make a public statement in favor of Gantt, and I said: + listen, mom, I don't speak like that about someone I don't know. But I will send a contribution to support it. + That's what I did, "he said.

- Obama disappointed -

Interviewed by The Undefeated, the politician, who was Charlotte's first black mayor (1983-1987), said that he "didn't want" Jordan.

"It has taken huge proportions. It suggests that if he had supported my campaign, we would have won. We don't know," he said, recalling without mischief that "we are talking about someone one who was not (yet) the best player of all time in 1990 ".

In the documentary, Barack Obama nonetheless said he was disappointed with the phrase "MJ". "I'm going to be honest, for someone who was preparing for a career in civil law at the time and knowing what Jesse Helms stood for, I wanted to see Michael get stronger."

Jordan said he has no regrets.

"It will never be enough for everyone," he said. "Because everyone has a preconceived idea of ​​what to do and not do. The way I manage my life is to give examples. Does that inspire you? Great, I will continue to do it. If not? Then can -I'm not the person you should follow. "

The success of The Last Dance does not weaken since episodes 5 and 6 gathered an average of 5.5 million viewers on ESPN, or 5.8 million on the first six. In replay on demand, each episode brought together between 10.9 and 13.1 million additional people.

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