Teller Report

You tell me the news ! - Titouan Lamazou dropped anchor at Quai Branly (Rediffusion)

3/31/2020, 2:01:00 PM

Titouan Lamazou is first of all a navigator who made himself known, winning the first Vendée Globe in 1990. But he is also a writer and an artist, named "UNESCO Artist for the Pa…

Titouan Lamazou dropped anchor at Quai Branly (Rediffusion)

Audio 48:30

Titouanlamazou Tommo et Toby, Study - 2018 - Workshop - Oil on paper - 56 x 76 cm. Credits: Titouan Lamazou / Musée du Quai Branly

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

Titouan Lamazou is first of all a well-known navigator, winning the first Vendée Globe in 1990. But he is also a writer and an artist, named "UNESCO Artist for Peace" in 2003.


His often very colorful and bright paintings told us about the journeys, the places but also the people he meets.

He presented at Jean-François Cadet's microphone in November 2018 his "workshop boat". A real boat destined to take to the sea, prefigured by a unique exhibition that bears his name. A carte blanche granted to him by the Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, and which presented itself as a cabinet of curiosities bringing together the artist's paintings, works by contemporary visual artists and objects from the Museum's collections.

(Replay of November 13, 2018)

Titouan Lamazou has made frequent stops in the Marquesas for 40 years. © Gwen Le Bras

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