Teller Report

Hubei Provincial Deputy Centers Yichang and Xiangyang Orderly Resumption of Work and Production

3/27/2020, 2:24:46 PM

(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) Hubei Provincial Deputy Centers Yichang and Xiangyang Orderly Resumption of Work and Resumption

China News Service, Wuhan, March 26 (Reporter Liang Ting) A press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hubei Province on the 26th introduced the employment and orderly return to work in Yichang and Xiangyang.

According to reports, at present, all buses and taxi intercity buses in Yichang City have resumed operation. Except for restricted industries, the city's production and living order has basically returned to normal.

Chen Huixia, member of the Standing Committee of Yichang Municipal Committee and executive deputy mayor of the municipal government, said that the city's industrial enterprises above designated size returned to work at a rate of 99.1% and employees returned to work at a rate of 84.8%; the wholesale and retail accommodation and catering industry enterprises above the limit returned to work at a rate of 96% and employees returned to work at 65%; Service enterprises above designated size returned to work at a rate of 89.8% and employees returned to work at a rate of 78.4%.

He introduced that through the combination of "drop, return, replenishment, loan, service" and other methods to help enterprises and ensure employment. The industrial water and natural gas prices will be reduced by 10% and the electricity price will be reduced by 5%. In response to the need for resuming production and resuming production, the company will expedite the processing of unemployment insurance premium return and export tax rebate. The unemployment insurance premium return will be compressed within one week. Export The tax rebate was reduced to 1.5 days; 520 million yuan (RMB, the same below) was raised for employment, and the overall expenditure was used to support policies such as employment subsidies, flexible employment social insurance subsidies, and employment and entrepreneurship subsidies for college graduates.

After the epidemic, Yichang returned 51.28 million yuan of fixed posts and 297,700 posts of stable posts to 9519 companies; it issued a one-time employment subsidy of 12.725 million yuan and 6,363 posts of stable posts to 42 companies that were guaranteed by the epidemic prevention and control. Within two months, 17,000 enterprises in the city were exempt from social insurance premiums of 532 million yuan.

Yichang adopts "point-to-point, one-stop" charter flights, special trains, and chartered cars to address the needs of employees returning to work. At present, the city exports 293,000 laborers, including 92,000 returning to work outside the province.

Xiangyang City Deputy Mayor Liu Hengyou introduced that the city implements differentiated resumed production. The first is to highlight the coordinated resumption of production and production in the leading industry chain, focusing on promoting 13 leading vehicle and machine manufacturers including Dongfeng Motor Co., Fengshen Company, Jiangshan Heavy Industry, and Camel Co., Ltd., as well as their 586 core suppliers and logistics in Xiang Service companies resumed production, which promoted the overall coordinated and stable operation of the industrial chain. The second was to promote the resumption of production of key supporting enterprises that have a major impact on the national and global industrial chains. Since February 20, it has promoted the focus of nine provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. The 90 key supporting enterprises in Xiangyang resumed production and production.

As of March 25, Xiangyang City's industrial enterprises above designated size have resumed work and resumed production at 1,602, with a resume rate of 96.6% and a return rate of 85.8%. Liu Hengyou stated that, before the end of March, all industrial enterprises above designated size in Xiangyang will resume work and production, and full production will begin in April.

According to statistics, there are 629,000 migrant workers in Xiangyang City. As of March 25, the "point-to-point" method has been used to transport 526,000 migrant workers, with a return rate of 84%. (Finish)