Teller Report

“An actress to be proud of”: colleagues about Inna Makarova, who passed away

3/25/2020, 5:18:28 PM

March 25, at the 94th year of life, Inna Makarova, People's Artist of the USSR, died. The causes of her death are not reported, and it is not yet known where the farewell to the actress will take place. Condolences on the death of Makarova express her relatives and colleagues. The latter recall the artist as a person who made a great contribution to Russian culture, note her brilliant comic talent and kindness and emphasize that the death of the actress is a huge loss for the art world.

The famous Soviet and Russian actress Inna Makarova died. This was reported by her daughter Natalia Bondarchuk.

“My dear friends! Today, on March 25, after a long illness, my mother, Inna Vladimirovna Makarova, passed away in the 94th year. People's Artist of the USSR. Her roles are with us! The kingdom of heaven, mommy, ”Bondarchuk wrote on Facebook.

The causes of death are not yet called. However, in early March, the media reported that Makarova was hospitalized and is in serious condition.

“Yes, mom is in the hospital. She is now in hospitals all the time. And what do you want? Still, the 94th year mom went. I will not share any details about her condition, ”said then the daughter of the artist

It is also currently unknown when and where the funeral and farewell to the actress will take place.

"The girl with a laugh, like a bell"

Director Svetlana Druzhinina expressed condolences in connection with the death of Inna Makarova and remembered what she was.

“She had an absolutely incredible, full, bright, beautiful creative life. She is a woman with a golden crown on her head, ”said Druzhinina in an interview with RT.

We shared the sorrow over the loss in the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.

“The news that Inna Vladimirovna has died. This is not just sadness ... It is sadness that our former, beautiful Soviet cinema, the memory of that great cinematic age in which it occupied a very bright, individual place, is leaving more and more. She was incomparable with anyone, she was charming, ”Tatyana Nemchinskaya, spokeswoman for the Union, told RT.

  • © Shot from the movie "Captain's Children"

Nemchinskaya recalled that viewers fell in love with Makarov due to their roles in the films “Height”, “My Dear Man”, “The Marriage of Balzaminov”. Moreover, in the first two, the actress was lyrical, and in the last she showed a brilliant comic talent.

“She was a pretty girl with her laugh, like a beautiful bell ... A few years ago it was a jubilee evening, but she was just as sweet, charming, smiling with that extraordinary smile,” Nemchinskaya emphasized.

Actor Anatoly Vasiliev called Inna Makarova the great Russian actress "from God."

“The love of the people just does not come, he sees his heroes, and the people loved her very much and loves. Inna Vladimirovna has done a lot for culture and for our country. She is a woman, an actress to be proud of. I respect her very much, ”said the artist of RIA Novosti.

The actress’s son-in-law, People’s Artist of Russia Nikolai Burlyaev, in a conversation with the agency called the death of Makarova a big loss not only for her relatives, but also for the world of art.

“Inna Vladimirovna Makarova was talented in everything both on the screen and in life. Her death is a huge loss for her family, for Russian culture, and for the whole people, who passionately loved this great actress, ”he said.

Burlyaev added that Makarova was a good-natured person and in her entire life she did not say a single bad word about anyone.

People's Artist of Russia Evgeny Steblov called Makarov a wonderful actress.

“Very bright, internally flexible and serious, and mischievous. It had a lot of qualities, on the one hand, the opposite, but in it all this was harmoniously connected, ”Steblov explained to TASS.

The story of one actress

Inna Makarova was born on July 28, 1926 in the city of Taiga (Tomsk District of the Siberian Territory of the RSFSR). Her father was an announcer, her mother a literary editor. During the Great Patriotic War, Makarova, still a schoolgirl, performed in hospitals.

In 1943, Inna Makarova became a student at VGIK (course of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova). In 1948, the girl made her film debut with the central role of Lyubov Shevtsova in the film “Young Guard” by Gerasimov. This work brought the aspiring actress the Stalin Prize of I degree.

After graduation, Makarova joined the troupe of the Theater-Studio of the film actor.

In the 1950s, Makarova played in the paintings of Gerasimov, Pudovkin, Zarha and Heifits - among them the films “The Height” and “My Dear Man”, which glorified the actress. Makarov and her partner Alexei Batalov were approved for the role in the latter without samples.

  • © Shot from the movie "Girls"

Another vivid image of Makarova was in the tape of Yuri Chulyukin "Girls". Since the 1960s, the artist almost did not get the main roles, however, she starred in the popular films “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “Crime and Punishment”, “Taimyr Calls You” and many others.

In total, the filmography of the actress has more than fifty full-length films and series. One of her latest works was the role in the 2018 children's film Little Red Riding Hood. Online. "

In 1985, Inna Makarova received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. The actress was a holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, as well as the Orders of Friendship and the Red Banner of Labor.

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