Teller Report

Who is Joo-bin Jo, 'Dr. Bang'? Professor Lee Soo-jeong "No Psychopath"

3/24/2020, 10:04:14 AM

[Ju Young-Jin's News Briefing] Please quote the program name 'SBS <Joo Young-Jin's News Briefing' accurately when quoted an interview. Copyright is SBS.

[Ju Young-jin's News Briefing]

When quoting an interview, please make sure that the program name is 'SBS <Joo Young-jin's News Briefing>'. Copyright is SBS.

■ Broadcasting: SBS <Joo Young-jin's News Briefing> Mon ~ Fri (14: 00 ~ 16: 00)
■ Progress: Joo Young-Jin Anchor
■ Talk: Lawyer Taehyun Kim

● Most ever petitions… Devil's Playground Room N

-Taehyun Kim / Lawyer
"The first diffuser 'Gatgat' must be caught to reveal the truth of crime in Room n."
"Children's sex crimes court, need to strengthen like overseas"

※ You can check the video for details.

(SBS New Media Department)

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