Teller Report

The prefect of Aisne prohibits the sale of strong alcohol in the department

3/24/2020, 3:33:27 PM

In order to avoid intra-family violence, the prefect of Aisne prohibited the sale of alcohol in shops, except beer, cider or wine

Beer and wine remain authorized for sale. - C. Follain / 20 Minutes

No more strong alcohol sales. In the middle of a confinement period linked to the coronavirus, the prefect of Aisne, Ziad Khoury, issued a decree Monday to prohibit the sale of alcohol from the 3rd to the 5th group throughout the department, until March 31.

Deadline for closing shops

"It is a question of avoiding the gatherings and especially the intrafamily violence which could be the consequence of an excessive consumption of alcohol", explains the prefect who authorizes, nevertheless, always, the take away sale of wine, beer or cider.

In addition, the prefecture has also decided to set the closing time for food shops at 8 p.m., a measure that will be maintained until April 15. According to the Regional Health Agency (ARS), 22 people have died in Aisne following the Covid-19 since February 25, the date of confirmation of the first two cases in the Oise.


Will coronavirus confinement make us all alcoholics?


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  • Coronavirus
  • Society
  • Containment
  • Alcohol
  • Prefect
  • Picardy

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