Teller Report

The “Tiancheng Transforms the Path” in Yiliang District of Daliangshan Opens the Road to “Get Rich” for the People

3/20/2020, 7:19:35 AM

China News Agency, Liangshan, Sichuan, March 19 (Yue Yitong Tang Yan) The climate conditions of "one mountain has four seasons and ten miles of different days" have made Jinyang's green peppers famous all over the world. Recently, the reporter drove 4 and a half hours from Xichang City, the capital of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and reached Jinyang County, which borders Liangshan Prefecture and Yunnan Province.

At the time of spring plowing, millions of mu of peppercorn trees in Jinyang had exposed buds, and villagers who had done a good job of epidemic prevention were working in the fields and pruning branches of the peppercorn trees. In a few months, the local "star crop" blue pepper will mature. By that time, the trucks used by the merchants will transport these agricultural products along the road to various parts of China, and some of them will also be exported to South Korea, Japan, Canada, Singapore and other countries.

A dozen years ago, it was common for drivers to spend 12 hours on the road from Xichang to Jinyang, and sometimes had to spend the night in the mountains. Few foreign merchants come to Jinyang to purchase agricultural products. Jinyang has steep hills and sloping gullies. It is only one of the counties with the most difficult transportation conditions in Liangshan Prefecture. Restricted by geographical conditions and other factors, it is "difficult to increase" to improve local traffic conditions. For many years, transportation has become the biggest "stumbling blocker" that hinders Jinyang's economic development and lifts the people out of poverty.

"In the past, the road was not good. The crops could only be sold on the back of a person. They could not carry much at a time. Everyone basically planted some potatoes and corn to eat by themselves." Li Daixiu, a villager in Shama Village, Honglian Township, who is trimming the branches of the pepper tree in the ground. I told reporters that for a long time, my family had only two to three thousand yuan in income a year. Now, Li Daixiu's family has contracted 30 acres of pepper fields. At the time of the harvest, merchants will drive to the village to buy them together. They can earn more than 100,000 yuan a year.

The director of Jinyang County Transportation Bureau Lu Jingui introduced that he had experienced the hardships of rock-cutting roads and blasting mountains to build roads. In 1961, the first highway in Jinyang, Zhaojin Road, was completed and opened to traffic. At present, the total mileage of Jinyang County's highways is 1,546.674 kilometers. Mastery connects villages. The construction of Yipan Expressway and Xizhao Expressway will pass through the county, and the estimated total investment of RMB 340 million is also under construction.

Jinyang County, the "hard bones" of Jixia's traffic, is becoming more and more lively. The centralized resettlement site of Bingdi Village in Rekejue Township is the first selected place in Liangshan Prefecture as a “Daliangshan Tourism Characteristic Town”. The road directly to the entrance of the village will bring Quartet tourists here, allowing the local 100,000 acres of Soma flower fields and Baicaopo. Natural landscapes such as lava funnel tiankeng groups are no longer "hidden in the mountains".

Yang Keha, Secretary of the Party Committee of Rekejue Township, introduced that many villagers in Bingdi Village have opened guesthouses, restaurants, and canteens based on the newly built Yijiaxinzhai Village. The village was officially opened to the public in April 2019. Last year, the total number of tourists it received exceeded 30,000, and the largest day ushered in more than 200 self-driving cars. "Last year, relying on the tourism industry, the village increased a total of 760,000 yuan. With the continuous improvement of infrastructure and supporting facilities, we expect the tourism industry revenue to double this year."

"When I was a kid, the road was very bad, and it was very inconvenient to go out, and almost no outsiders came in." Lobrig, the 39-year-old villager who runs the first "Yijiale" operator in Bingdi Village, said with a smile. Most of the tourists come from Chengdu, Xichang, Yunnan, Chongqing and other places. The family's income last year was more than 40,000 yuan, which has nearly doubled from the past. "I never thought that the village would be so lively."

The change in Jinyang County is just a microcosm of Liangshan Prefecture's poverty alleviation. Since the beginning of the poverty alleviation campaign, Liangshan Prefecture has implemented the "Communication Contest". The main roads from Xichang, the prefecture, to the counties have been completely transformed, and the county and rural roads have been upgraded. At present, the total mileage of rural roads in Liangshan has reached 22,000 kilometers. The patency rate is 100%. As early as the beginning of 2019, the Sichuan Provincial People's Government issued the "Circular of Liangshan Prefecture's 2019-2020 Highway and Waterway Transportation Construction Promotion Plan", stating that from 2019 to 2020, Sichuan will invest 42 billion yuan in the construction of Liangshan transportation infrastructure projects to help The Great Liangshan "Tianji changed its path".

Abloha Village, Butuo County, which is across the river from Laozhaizi Village in Jinyang County, is the last formed village in China that has no roads, and its external access has also been opened. Villagers are very convenient to work and do business, and they no longer need to transport goods. Carry your shoulders on your back and walk across the mountains. Nowadays, the construction materials are easily transported into the village, and the foundation construction of the Yizhai Xinzhai Village has been basically completed. Many villagers have purchased motorcycles, accelerating their income. (Finish)