Teller Report

Emirates Humanities: Corona test results for all city guests are negative

3/17/2020, 10:39:35 PM

The head of the Department of Infectious Diseases Programs at the Abu Dhabi Center for Public Health, the spokesperson and medical official for the Emirates Humanitarian City, Dr. Faisal Al-Ahbabi, revealed that the city's 215 guests, who were evacuated from Hubei Province, China, are the epicenter of the outbreak of the Corona virus.

The head of the Department of Infectious Diseases Programs at the Abu Dhabi Center for Public Health, the official spokesman and medical official for the Emirates Humanitarian City, Dr. Faisal Al-Ahbabi, revealed that the city's 215 guests, who were evacuated from the Chinese province of Hubei, are the focus of the outbreak of the Corona virus, "Covid-19". They conducted the fourth and final laboratory examination and the result was negative for everyone, indicating that all the city's guests completed the 14-day quarantine period, and all the results of the four laboratory examinations they performed were all negative, and there were no virus infections that were monitored between them.

Al-Ahbabi said: "The city has hosted nationals from brotherly and friendly countries since the beginning of this month, and they did not show any satisfactory symptoms through daily follow-up."

Students from the Humanitarian City expressed their gratitude to the Emirates for the warm reception and generosity, stressing that all the guests of the Humanitarian City felt that they were in their second country.

They said: "The evacuation that took place at the beginning of this month was unparalleled success, and the procedures that followed the evacuation process, whether reception, housing, medical care and living exceed the services of five-star hotels," praising the highly professionalism of the Emirati medical and administrative staff present in the city, where there is A 24-hour follow-up to all students and families in the city, in addition to providing all living services, and facilitating the follow-up of all students in the city to their studies in their universities and schools located in China via the Internet.

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