Teller Report

Six new cases confirmed in Nagoya 47 new coronaviruses in total

3/4/2020, 11:45:28 AM

As the new coronavirus infection spreads, Nagoya City announced that six men and women in their 50s and 80s living in the city have been infected ...

Confirmed 6 new infections in Nagoya Total of 47 new coronaviruses March 4 20:42

As the infection of the new coronavirus is expanding, Nagoya City has announced that six new men and women in their 50s and 80s living in the city have been infected. 47 people have been infected in Aichi prefecture.

According to Nagoya City, two new cases of infection were identified in Japan: two Japanese women in their 60s and 70s, one male in their 50s, and three males in their 80s. There are 6 people in total.

In any case, it was said that they had been in contact with a person who was confirmed to be infected in the city and had to monitor their health. 47 people have been infected in Aichi prefecture.

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