Teller Report

"The Northern European Enclosure Dam": huge dams to protect coastal countries from rising sea levels

2/26/2020, 12:42:12 PM

The & quot; Northern European Enclosure Dam & quot; is a large European dam project, carried out by Dutch scientists, to limit the rising sea levels. It would link the Breton point to the English point, as well as Scotland to Norway. This would disconnect the North Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and protect around fifteen European countries from flooding. This project will be very expensive, but less than if nothing is done and people have to be displaced.

The "Northern European Enclosure Dam" is a large European dam project, carried out by Dutch scientists, to limit the rising waters. It would link the Breton point to the English point, as well as Scotland to Norway. This would disconnect the North Sea from the Atlantic Ocean and protect around fifteen European countries from flooding. This project will be very expensive, but less than if nothing is done and people have to be displaced.

A crazy but radical idea to protect the 25 million Europeans threatened by the rising sea, to install giant dikes on the ocean in the North Sea.

We built the Suez Canal and the Channel Tunnel, maybe in a few years, we will have to build "The Northern European Enclosure Dam". This involves installing two huge dams. One between the tip of Brittany and Cornwall in England. The other between Scotland and Norway. This disconnects the English Channel and the North Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. And we protect the fifteen coastal countries from rising sea levels. If we respect the Paris agreements to the letter, the sea level should still rise by 30 to 60 centimeters by 2100. Otherwise, it is up to two meters that the water could rise.

It is unimaginable to close the North Sea. Where will the boats go?

Through locks, as with the dike which closed an arm of the sea in the Netherlands.

This is a very serious proposal from Dutch and German researchers. They recognize it, there will be a big impact on naval transport. An ecological impact also, since the dams will reduce the tides therefore modify the ecosystem. They even cost the project between 250 and 500 billion euros. It's colossal, more than 600 kilometers of dams to build. But, they say, it will be much cheaper than having to move millions of people or if each country had to fight the rising sea alone.

Their conclusion? The only alternative would be to find a drastic solution to global warming. Otherwise, we will have no other choice than pharaonic constructions.