Teller Report

Lunar New Year Holiday Daegu 17 patients and contact all 14 voices

2/6/2020, 2:46:27 AM

According to Daegu City on the 6th, 14 people, including 5 family members and 2 relatives, 2 taxi drivers, 4 convenience store employees and 1 gas station employee, who spoke with 17 patients on the 24th to 25th of last month, were negative.

▲ Dongdaegu Station with fever check

During the Lunar New Year holiday, all the contacts, including family members and relatives, met with the 17th confirmed person (Hong Kong-Gyeonggi) who had a new coronavirus infection (Swine Corona) in Daegu.

According to Daegu City on the 6th, 14 people, including 5 family members and 2 relatives, 2 taxi drivers, 4 convenience store employees and 1 gas station employee, who spoke with 17 patients on the 24th to 25th of last month, were negative.

The city of Daegu currently self-isolates them and checks them at least twice a day, but says there are no symptoms.

We plan to manage until the 8th day when the incubation period ends.

A city official said, "No. 17 suffered from a cold and was found wearing masks during the entire visit to Daegu."

Patient 17 arrived at Dongdaegu Station at 2:24 pm by KTX from Seoul Station on the 24th of last month and took a taxi to the parent's house in Suseong-gu.

After spending a night at his parents' house, he visited Chuga in Buk-gu on the 25th, the next day, and then went to Dongdaegu by taxi and returned to Seoul by S26 at 9:26 pm.

The city disinfected the Dongdaegu platform, where the patient went to station 17, the customer's line, the nursing room, and the room, and installed a protective mat.

We also finished disinfecting two taxis used by patients.

The convenience store near the station where the patient went will be closed for seven days and will be disinfected daily.

(Photo = Yonhap News)