Teller Report

Jonatan García leaves Txikon's expedition at Everest after falling down a 12-meter crack

2/3/2020, 6:01:14 PM

The Basque mountaineer Jonatan García, based in Benasque (Huesca), which was part of the AX Road to Himalaya expedition, led by Alex Txikon, has had to be evacuated due

The Basque mountaineer Jonatan García , based in Benasque (Huesca), which was part of the AX Road to Himalaya expedition, led by Alex Txikon, has had to be evacuated due to the blows suffered when falling into a crack. They ensure that the team has lost the strongest prop to reach the goal: the first winter without oxygen to Everest.

Txikon and Jonatan left the base camp this Sunday after lunch and an hour later they were in the area where they set the stairs. According to Txikon's own account, "when we were working we heard a rumble and the ice bridge we were on has given way and Jonatan has rushed into the crevasse. When the silence has been made, I have seen it hanging about 12 meters deep. Luckily, the Petzl Microtraxion was in the harness and then Jonatan saw the light again. We have requested a rescue, since it is difficult for him to breathe and he has at least a couple of ribs cracked . "

He adds that " everything has been in a big scare and hopefully tomorrow he will be in Kathmandu, but it is a great loss for the team . Jonatan has made a huge effort at Ama Dablam, where he gave everything despite having just feet" "cold. He has shown an unwavering motivation and solidity when it comes to acting. He is now resting and feeling well but in pain."

Triple winter expedition

The triple winter expedition of Alex Txikon has taken him to Antarctica and Ama Dablam before arriving at Everest, where he arrived on January 31. They completed the acclimatization phase reaching the summit of Ama Dablam (6,858 m) and, from there, the team moved to Everest base camp in a couple of trips . On January 30, they were Jonatan García, Oscar Cardo, Eneko Garamendi and Sergio Pérez.

Alex Txikon joined his peers in the base camp on January 31 to begin work on the normal route of the south face, which had already started their sherpas in early January.

The expedition must overcome the loss of Jonatan García, as they have no time to lose if they want to opt for a summit before the end of winter, on March 20. At that time they should first reach field 2, in the Silence Valley, at about 6,400 m; then field 3, in the Wall of the Lhotse, between 7,100 and 7,300 m; and field 4, in the South Collado (8,000 m). From where the summit of the roof of the world is assaulted, at 8,848 m.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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