Teller Report

Angoulême Festival: The Fauve d'Or for the best album for "Revolution"

2/1/2020, 7:31:19 PM

The wild beasts (the awards for the Angoulême comics festival) have just been revealed. Discover all the winners of the 2020 edition

The Fauve, mascot of the Angoulême festival, surrounded by the Grand Prix palms - © L. Trondheim & 9eArt +

Fauve d'Or for the best album: "Révolution" tome 1, by Florent Grouazel and Younn Locard

(Prize which rewards the best album of the year, regardless of genre, style or geographic origin)

(Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Fauves - The Fauve d'or for the best album is awarded to Florent Grouazel and Younn Locard for "Revolution - Tome 1 Liberté" by Actes Sud / L'An 2 # FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme # FIBD @ActesSud

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

The first part of this choral story focuses on the year 1789 and blows the wind of the Revolution in the street. This titanic project, expertly documented, was carried out by four hands by two young authors who retrace the revolutionary period in a resplendent graphic bubbling, inspired by the imagery of the time.

20 Minutes' opinion: Telling the French Revolution of 1789 in just over 1000 pages is a very ambitious project, especially on the part of such young authors (the Breton Florent Grouazel is 32 years old and the Norman Younn Locard is 35 ). The value does not wait for the number of years, the first volume of "Revolution" is a total success, with dynamic and captivating narration (and choir, since we witness events through the eyes of three characters) and striking graphics of realism. Hyper-documented, demanding, their work has made, since its release, a critical and public unanimity. At 20 Minutes, we appreciated it so much that we rarely consider Fauve d'Or for the best album to have been so indisputable.

Révolution tome 1, by F. Grouazel & Y. Locard - Actes Sud / L'An 2 editions - 26 euros

Fauve Special Jury Prize: “Clyde Fans”, by Seth

(Prize given to a work which particularly marked the jury by its narration, its aesthetics and / or the themes addressed)

(Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Fauves - The special Fauve of the jury is awarded to "Clyde Fans" of Seth, published by @DelcourtBD # FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

Fruit of a work started twenty years ago, "Clyde Fans" tells the story of two brothers who inherited their father's business after he abandoned them. The Canadian Seth, whose elegant graphics are imbued with a touch of nostalgia, is second to none to tell intimate stories that touch on the universal of the human condition.

Clyde Fans , de Seth - Delcourt editions - 49.90 euros

Fawn Revelation: "Skylight", by Joe Kessler

(Prize awarded to the album of an author or an author at the start of their career who has professionally published a maximum of three books)

(Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Fauves - The Fauve Révélation is awarded to "Lucarne" by Joe Kessler, at @lassociation

# FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

These five short stories impregnated with strong colors translate the most intimate sensations of the characters. A singular graphic and narrative experience, signed by the artistic director of the English publisher Breakdown Press, to express fear, pleasure or smells, supported by a hypnotic narration and an original vision of the world.

Skylight , by J. Kessler - Éditions L'Association - 2 0 euros

Fawn from the series: "In the Abyss of Time", by Gou Tanabe

(Prize which honors a work in four or more volumes, regardless of the number of volumes in total)

(Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Fauves - The Fauve of the series is awarded to "Dans l'Abîme du temps" by Gou Tanabe and HP Lovecraft at @ki_oon_Editions # FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD #Fauve / dXJgZDsjF7

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

After The Hallucinated Mountains, Gou Tanabe continues his adaptation of the novels of the master of horror, HP Lovecraft. Leaving Antarctica for the Australian desert, with a black line of oppressive realism, the mangaka draws the inexpressible and gives body to this nightmarish SF masterpiece that combines a journey through time and a terrifying transfer of personality.

In the Abyss of Time , by Gou Tanabe (after HP Lovecraft) - Ki-Oon editions - 17 euros

Fawn of Audacity: "Act of God", by Giacomo Nanni

(Prize which rewards experimentation and formal innovation through an album with an inventive and innovative graphic style, using all the possibilities of comics to better push its boundaries)

(Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Beasts - The Beast of Boldness is awarded to Giacomo Nanni for "Act of God" by Here Same editions

# FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD @_icimeme

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

On August 24, 2016, in Italy, an earthquake killed 298 people and left nearly 400 injured. Giacomo Nanni traps the moment in a choral tale that makes the mountains speak, lingers on a stray deer in front of a supermarket and tracks the unicorn in the viewfinder of two hunters. His pantheistic ode confronts man with nature and creation with chaos, in a pointillist and dazzling graphic magma.

Act of God , by G. Nanni - editions Ici même - 19.50 euros

Fauve Patrimoine: "The green hand and other stories", by Nicole Claveloux and Édith Zha

(Prize rewarding a work which is part of the world history of the 9th art and whose edition, re-edition or the integral offers a particularly neat editorial work)

Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Fauves - The Fauve du Patrimoine is awarded to "La Main Verte et autres récits" by Nicole Claveloux and Edith Zha at @ed_cornelius
# FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

First volume of an anthology dedicated to Nicole Claveloux, painter, youth illustrator and cartoonist, passed by the magazines Métal Hurlant and Ah! Nana . Collection of poetic stories enhanced with flamboyant colors, "The Green Hand" describes an absurd and funny world in which reality plays hide and seek with reason.

Note that Nicole Claveloux received a Fauve d'honneur during the official Fauves award ceremony, Saturday, February 1, 2020.

Standing ovation for Nicole Claveloux who receives a Fauve d'honneur at @bdangouleme #Fauves # FIBD2020 # BD2020

- see read (@ see read) February 1, 2020

The Green Hand and other stories , by N. Claveloux & E. Zha - Cornelius editions - 23.50 euros

Fauve Audience Award France TV: “Saison des roses”, by Chloé Wary

(Prize awarded by a jury of nine spectators from France Télévision)

(Live Tweet) Ceremony of the Fauves - The Fauve Audience Award France Télévisions is awarded to Chloé Wary for "La Saison des roses" at @editionsFLBLB @Francetele # FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

Barbara passes the bac. She lives with her mother in the ordinary suburb of Rosigny-sous-Bois and lives only for her football club. But this year, the leaders decided to favor the men's team, preventing the players from registering for the championship. With her markers, Chloé Wary puts her bright colors at the service of the story, to salute the team's commitment to the collective field of football and the feminist struggle.

Saison des roses , by Chloé Wary - Flblb editions - 2 3 euros

Fauve Polar SNCF: "No Direction", by Emmanuel Moynot

(Prize awarded by a jury of personalities)

(Live Tweet) The Fauve Polar #SNCF is awarded to "No Direction" by Emmanuel Moynot at Sarbacane editions @ SNCF # FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD @ESarbacane

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

In this paper road movie in the form of a choral narrative, Moynot follows two serial killers in their mad race across America, like a filmmaker filming on the shoulder. Bloody and hopeless epic, doomed to failure and violence, "No Direction" is a human comedy in twenty chapters that strike the reader in the stomach like so many punches.

No Direction , by Emmanuel Moynot - Sarbacane editions - 2 4 euros

Fawn of alternative comics: " Komikaze " (collective - Croatia)

(Prize rewards the best non-professional publication, chosen from around thirty non-professional productions and coming from any geographic origin)

(Live Tweet) The price for alternative comics is given to Komikaze # 18 # FIBD2020 # BD2020 #BD #Angouleme #FIBD

- Festival d'Angoulême (@bdangouleme) February 1, 2020

  • Culture
  • Angoulême Festival
  • Manga
  • BD
  • Literary prize
  • Palmares