Teller Report

Hospital crisis in France: more than 1,000 doctors threaten to resign

1/14/2020, 12:19:37 PM

It is a big boost from hospital doctors. In a letter sent this Tuesday to the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, more than 1,200 department heads and professors of medicine and surgery threaten to resign from their positions ...

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Press conference of hospital doctors from the "CIH - Collectif Inter Hopôpitaux" collective who threaten to resign collectively, January 14, 2020. Thomas SAMSON / AFP

It is a stroke of radiance on the part of hospital doctors. In a letter sent this Tuesday to the Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, more than 1,200 department heads and professors of medicine and surgery threaten to resign from their administrative duties. Another way for them to denounce the crisis of the public hospital which they undergo on a daily basis. All are calling for more resources to continue their missions. Apparently therefore, the recent extensions announced by the minister remain insufficient.

The public hospital is in danger according to these doctors, and they strike a blow with this threat of collective resignation which is symbolic, since they continue to ensure their mission of care and to simply honor their oath of doctor. But they cut the cord with their administrative hierarchy…

" We signatories, heads of service, heads of functional units ... let us share our deep disappointment with the inadequacy of the emergency plan announced on November 20 ...", write the doctors in this letter published by the daily Liberation . The hospital must be reformed, but there is no great reform possible without means. It is to solemnly alert you that we have taken on all responsibility, the unprecedented and difficult decision to resign collectively from January 14, 2020 if on that date negotiations are not engaged, " concludes the collective.

A good twenty resigners attend the conf. The president of the collective @CollectInterHop and that of the collective @InterUrg are there. "We hope that this battle we will win," says a head of service who resigns from her managerial duties today.

Pierre Zéau (@PierreZeau) January 14, 2020

In Marseille, a quarter of department heads slam the door, reports our correspondent, Stéphane Burgatt . The figure is provisional and other teachers should join them during the week. But whatever the final figure of the resigners, it will not be revealing since some of their colleagues will not join them. Not because of lack or lack of conviction, but because they are at the head of small units under the threat of major budget cuts ... And they are convinced that by joining the movement, they would worsen the situation of their respective specialties.

Resigning, not resigning, the observation is the same for all: a public hospital on land, suffocated by the economic demands of a management guilty, according to them, of wanting to manage public hospitals like any business.

Also listen : "The public hospital is experiencing an unprecedented crisis, it is collapsing", explains Professor Frédéric Adnet

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