Teller Report

Harry and Meghan give up leading role in British royal family

1/8/2020, 7:31:22 PM

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan announced on Wednesday that they would renounce their leading role in the British royal family. The couple wishes to gain financial independence and…

It is undoubtedly a means of moving away from public life. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, announced on Wednesday January 8 that they no longer want a leading role in the British royal family.

"We intend to give up (the role of) + senior + members of the royal family and work to become financially independent, while continuing to support the queen," announced in a statement the spouses, who had expressed these last months of their difficulty in experiencing the media pressure related to their function, ensuring that they made this decision "after many months of discussions".

"We are now planning to share our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honor our duty to the Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages," they added, assuring that they had made this decision. after many months of reflection. "

The announcement comes as Prince Harry and Meghan have just returned from a weeks stay in Canada, where they celebrated Christmas with their son Archie, born May 6, 2019, a year after their marriage.

They had taken this extended vacation from the royal families after opening up in a documentary in October of their difficulties with the media exposure.

At first, the tabloids welcomed the arrival of the Métis American actress as a breath of fresh air for the royal family. They were quick to turn against her with vitriolic articles, criticizing her behavior, after a series of resignations among the staff of the royal house, and wearing the nickname of "capricious duchess" (Duchess Difficulty) .

Faced with criticism, Harry, 35, sixth in line of succession to the British throne, filed in early October a series of complaints against the Daily Mail and The Sun, accusing them of violating his privacy.

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