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The tragic life of Ari Behn before his suicide: "I feel like I die every day"

12/28/2019, 2:11:41 AM

Ari Behn was given to great gestures. Maybe that's why he decided to commit suicide at Christmas, or maybe he was so desperate that he didn't care about the date. If any suicide is by force

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Ari Behn GTRES

Marta Luisa's ex-husband from Norway has committed suicide. It is unknown how, but nobody doubts that his death has been because of heartbreak

The life of Marta Luisa's ex-husband from Norway, in pictures

His ex-wife, Princess Marta Luisa, at Mass hours before the tragedy was known

Marta Luisa from Norway and Ari Behn: Chronicle of a Divorce Announced

Suicide Ari Behn, former husband of the Norwegian princess

Ari Behn was given to great gestures. Maybe that's why he decided to commit suicide at Christmas, or maybe he was so desperate that he didn't care about the date. If any suicide is by traumatic force for those left behind, those that are carried out at this time of year leave an even deeper mark. Apart from his mother, Marianne, those left behind are his ex-wife, former Princess Marta Luisa , and their three daughters : Maud Angelica, 16; Leah Isadora, 14; and Emma Tallulah, 11.

Thus ends a horrifying month a horrible month for the Norwegian royal family , already marked by itself by the liver cancer suffered by King Harald , by the pulmonary fibrosis of Princess Mette-Marit , wife of the crown prince Haakon , and by the Polemic that stars the new couple of Marta Luisa, the eccentric American shaman Durek Verrett, known among other things for having declared that cancer is "self-inflicted because you do not want to live anymore".

December began badly, with the news that Mette-Marit had met several times, between 2011 and 2013, with the American billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who hanged himself in jail last August after being accused of sexually abusing minors . Now it ends with an unimaginable tragedy.

Nothing has transcended the motives of Behn's suicide , nor the way it occurred. It was known that he had psychic problems, especially depression , but in Norway it is speculated more than anything that the trigger was probably his separation from Marta Luisa, a personal defeat he did not hesitate to recognize and from which he had not recovered. Ari Behn would have died of heartbreak.

After divorcing I suffered a kind of panic attack

After the breakup, he didn't hide that he was having a hard time accepting reality. He had fallen in love with Marta Luisa as soon as he met her: "In my case it was love at first sight. I knew right away that I had found the woman I had always dreamed of." For the princess, on the other hand, love was at third sight: "It was not an instant crush. I thought Ari was overrated. But the third time we met we knew he was the man of my life."

They promised in 2001 and got married in 2002. Behn entered the royal family (which he called "Business Family SA") as a cyclone. He was a born seducer, as Kjetil Rolness, a well-known Norwegian sociologist, masterfully described, in a satirical warning to Marta Luisa not to marry him: "You fell in love. With Ari Behn. Successful writer. Gentleman. Elegant and traveled. Devil has many faces, and this cannot even be considered a disguise. " Behn reacted by challenging him to an old-fashioned duel. He even appeared in the writing of Dagbladet , the newspaper in which Rolness collaborated, threw a glove at his feet and asked him to choose a weapon, or sword or pistol. They ended up becoming friends.

Behn's childhood image. His parents separated when he was 10 years old. "My father disappeared and that is something I don't want any children."

The light of the foci of a press fascinated by the glamor of the writer and the extravagances of Marta Luisa, with her contacts with angels and beyond, became difficult to bear. In 2012, the family moved to London to relieve the pressure. They lived somewhat more anonymously in Islington, in the north of the city. Despite the apparent calm they seemed to have found in the English capital, they returned to Norway only two years later and settled in the small town of Lommedalen, north of Oslo. Marta Luisa and Ari let themselves be seen from time to time in public events, but generally they maintained a very private life.

It was not yet known, but at home they fought to save their marriage. A fight they couldn't win. In 2016 they revealed that they were going to separate. In a press release issued on August 5, Marta Luisa explained that, over time, they had distanced themselves from each other, and that for a long period they had tried to fix their problems: "It is terrible to realize that they no longer know you can do nothing more Life is not always on rails Both Ari and I have realized it It is especially clear when life takes detours that we had never anticipated In these days, Ari and I are separating. Our marriage is over, but we are still together as parents. We feel responsible for not being able to offer the common and safe port that every child deserves, but we hope and believe that we can maintain our friendship in the face of the challenges we face. "

The divorce became official the following year. From that moment on, Behn's statements followed expressing the sadness and pain he felt at the break. He was tortured by a great sense of guilt : "I regret many things I have done. I regret especially that I always talk too much." He could not forget how bad it had happened when his own parents separated: "I was 10 years old. They joined a couple of friends. They simply exchanged a partner. My father disappeared. And that is something I do not wish for any child ".

Princess Mette-Marit has also starred in another complicated time this year in the Norwegian royal family. It has been known that he had several meetings (although not his nature) with Jeffrey Epstein.

In several interviews that are chilling today, Behn directly compared divorce to death: "After divorcing I found myself in a really special situation. I suffered a kind of panic attack. A feeling of not being able to breathe, like a heart attack . Separating is like to die, because it is basically that one life is ending and a new one must begin. I feel like I die every day. "

The feeling that emerges from his statements to the media is that he could not lift his head: "Many things happen after a separation. Right now it is hell. Everything changes and everything must adapt. Suddenly, I have a new life. Everything what I knew is upside down It is enormously intense I experience that everything I thought I knew about life, everything I was, everything I did, everything has stopped and everything has changed I have to find my values ​​again. strange".

"When I am home alone I am not calm. I am always waiting for the girls to come. Nothing is better than when they are here. It is very difficult to be home alone. It is pure Grand Gatsby," he said in reference to the classic literature American, in which a billionaire leads a life of luxury in an almost absolute solitude, only interrupted by the great parties he gives for his neighbors.

In a television interview he talked about his art (in 2018 he sold pictures worth 5.7 million Norwegian kronor, about 577,000 euros) and his role as father. He revealed that one of his best-known paintings, Panic , painted him three days after knowing that his relationship with his wife was hopelessly broken. "It was very sad to know we couldn't fix it."

In Panic dominates the color red, very present in all his work. In an exhibition held last April, Behn turned to a very revealing metaphor: "There is blood on the walls." He also provided new and mysterious clues about his post-divorce state: "Shame comes without warning."

Hours before the suicide of Ari Behn, her ex, Marta Luisa, attended Mass with her new partner, Durek Verret, the three daughters of the marriage and their parents, the kings Harald and Sonia, all in the picture.

Behn never hid that he used paint to express his feelings. A few days before the breakup became official, he uploaded to his Instagram account the cryptic photo of another of his works, titled Let Go , something like "let it" or "let it go." He later explained to the VG newspaper that it was a way of telling the Norwegians that his love story with Marta Luisa was over: "It was my way of dealing with it and communicating it. In the summer we broke up I painted a lot. And knowing that we have to stop fighting is the hardest thing of all. We all carry our memories. And moving forward and leaving certain things behind is a very long process. "

Marta Luisa stayed with Lommedalen's house, while Behn bought a new one a few minutes away for 7.9 million Norwegian kronor (about 800,000 euros). He came out with lawyer Ebba Rysst Heilmann, 13 years younger than him. "Ari is really different. Incredibly attentive. And with him it is impossible to get bored," she explained. The relationship, however, did not prosper.

In October 2018 he published his latest book: Hell , the story of a man who collapses after his partner leaves him. The autobiographical element was evident. On the back cover, Ari Behn wrote some lines that today sound painfully like epitaph: "I am an idiot. I have always been too intense. Full of words and too much force. Without balance. Or all or nothing. Silent and impetuous. Shy and shameless. I couldn't contain myself. I let it burn. "

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