Teller Report

Overseas study researchers Support for child education, etc. New NPO established

12/13/2019, 8:58:30 PM

When Japanese researchers study abroad, there is little support for their accompanying family members, so a new support for researchers living overseas and their families ...

Researchers studying abroad Supporting child education, etc. New NPO established on December 14, 5:46

When Japanese researchers study abroad, there is little support for their families, so a new NPO was established to support researchers living overseas and their families.

The newly established NPO “Keylon Initiative” was created to support families who are accompanied by researchers who are studying abroad and who are based overseas.

On the 13th, a lecture was announced in Tokyo to establish a network connecting families of overseas researchers to share local issues and solutions such as child education and family health management. Was introduced.

In addition to providing benefits to families depending on the case, we will also make efforts to investigate the actual conditions of living overseas through questionnaires.

Some researchers who wish to study abroad may not be able to study abroad due to a lack of support for their families, so NPO Director Kaoru Kakinuma said, “International competitiveness of Japanese scientific research. I hope that the realization of support for the families of researchers who have been so thin will lead to a more fulfilling research life and lead to new innovations. " .