Teller Report

"Where did the veterinary student Lee Yun-hee disappear?" 'I want to know' 13 years ago

12/13/2019, 1:22:13 AM

SBS 'Want to Know It' digs out missing veterinary students in 2006. SBS 'It Wants to Know', which will be broadcast on the 14th, is the secret of the computer log record: Where did the veterinary student Lee Yun-hee disappear?

SBS 'Want to Know It' digs out missing veterinary students in 2006.

SBS 'It Wants to Know', which will be broadcast on the 14th, is the secret of the computer log record: Where did the veterinary student Lee Yun-hee disappear?

On June 6, 2006, at the dawn of Memorial Day, Lee Yun-hee, who attended the Jonggang Party, arrived in his studio. She turned on the computer for about three minutes from 2:58 am to 3: 1 am, and then went off at 4:21. Since then she has not been found until 13 years later. Literally 'evaporated'.

The disappearance of Mr. Lee Yun-hee, the largest mystery case in the Jeonbuk region. The incident, which has been investigated three times for missing persons, but not for murder, was still found in the fourth re-investigation.

Yoon-hee disappeared in the same clothes she went to school on the day of her disappearance. According to friends who attended the camp, her friend Hwang (a pseudonym), who lived at her place without a drink and followed her, followed her. Mr. Huang said he was worried about a drunk friend. Following the front of the studio building, he saw that the automatic sensor light at the entrance turned on and thought she entered the house, but after that day, she couldn't see Yoon.

The simple runaway turned into a missing case when her computer found the search records 112 and Sexual harassment. Yoon-hee is estimated to have searched for two words for three minutes at three o'clock in the morning. Two days after the missing day, her studio opened by a friend who reported missing to the police.

According to friends, Mr. Yoon's house was very disturbed as usual. Lee Yoon-hee's father said that it was strange that the daughter who kept the dog in the utility room whenever he went out usually released it in the living room only that day. In addition, it was possible that someone could have visited because a tea table and a notebook in his bag were found in the garbage in front of the house and the school operating room a week later.

Whether there was a visitor at Yun-hee's house, according to his father's reasoning, the crew was able to find a surprising fact on Yoon-hee's computer after examining various investigation records while opening various possibilities. An expert who looked at the log records for Internet access records said that the log records were deleted from June 4, 2006, two days before Yoon-hee disappeared, until June 8, when he was reported missing. A former white hacker said, "If you delete everything, you have to erase all the data before it. It seems that someone deleted it intentionally because it was deleted."

In addition, the computer was turned off one hour and twenty minutes after the trail was searched for three minutes around 3 am. On that day, we will examine who is the one who turned off the computer and delete the log record, how it relates to her disappearance, Lee Yoon-hee disappeared 13 years ago, and analyzes the various questions left behind by a new perspective. I want to know it's broadcast at 11:10 pm on the 14th.

(SBS funE Kang Sun-ae reporter)