Teller Report

Nabiullina explained the strengthening of the ruble by capital inflows to Russia

12/1/2019, 4:55:57 PM

The head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina noted that the strengthening of the ruble, which is observed in 2019, despite international sanctions, is due to the influx of capital into Russia.

“The main reason for this ruble appreciation is capital inflows. Investors are looking for where there are more profitable securities, investments, and therefore there has been such an inflow of capital to many countries with emerging markets, which include Russia, ”RIA Novosti quoted her as saying in an interview with Russia 1.

Nabiullina also acknowledged that sanctions are causing the Central Bank to be more circumspect.

“We are already used to living in conditions of sanctions ... In order to best withstand the possible pressure of sanctions, we look at various aspects of financial stability - in order to be ready all the time,” she said.

Earlier, the Central Bank warned Russian banks against transactions in euros because of their unprofitability.

Director of Financial Market and Macroeconomics Analysis at Inst Invest IC Alexander Timofeev in an interview with the FAN assessed the prospects for the Russian currency.