Teller Report

They defied the weather - for the climate

11/29/2019, 5:37:50 PM

During the Fridays for Future slogan, demonstrations were held today for the climate around the world, including on Gotland.

In almost the worst possible weather, with blowing and snow-mixed rain, some brave climate fighters gathered in Visby on Friday afternoon.

- The climate is not very good right now. If we stand here then people may not see that it is very bad, says Maja Mellqvist, who along with friends from Lyckåkerskolan leisure time had gone to the Östercentrum with their own signs.

At the initiative of Greta Thunberg, Fridays for Future are organized around the world to raise awareness of climate issues. Today, the demonstrations coincided with the big consumption day "Black Friday" - something that some of the protesters also took note of.

- Since consumption is increasing all the time, it feels unnecessary, says Linda Jansdotter.

See more in the clip above.