Teller Report

Here Europe - Charles Michel: "It takes more sense in the European commitment"

11/29/2019, 10:07:50 PM

This week in "Here Europe", Caroline de Camaret and Dominique Baillard receive Charles Michel, a few minutes after taking office as President of the European Council.

Donald Tusk's successor came back to the question of enlargement of the European Union. "What I noted around the table, and it was not just the French president, was much wider than that, it was the wish to have a very in-depth reflection on how to modernize the process of accession, so that it is more effective.There is no possibility of reversibility today (..) Another element, in the process of accession many wish that the dimension of democracy, state of law and the fight against corruption are points on which we mobilized faster and more strongly in the process. "

Monitoring of the rule of law in the EU

Charles Michel also spoke of the rule of law, which has declined in several EU countries: "It is certain that these fundamental values, which are the cornerstone of the European project, democracy, the rule of law, the freedoms of the press, the separation of powers are key principles that are the foundation of this European project, which is why I think we should try in all European countries (...) to put in place monitoring in the different European countries to see how we can advance democracy, the rule of law and these fundamental values. "

The former Belgian prime minister also spoke about relations between the EU and Washington. "The United States is an essential ally for the European Union (...) But the EU needs to develop more self-confidence on the external stage We can not be the junior partner of anyone . "

A program prepared by Isabelle Romero and Mathilde Bénézet