Teller Report

"Knives Out" is inspired by Agatha Christie with humorous touches

11/26/2019, 10:11:28 PM

The movie "Knives Out" may have been inspired by Agatha Christie's work, but the notorious British police writer would never have imagined such a treatment of a crime and mystery story.

"Knives Out" may have been inspired by Agatha Christie's work, but the notorious British police writer would never have thought of such a treatment of a crime and mystery story. Contemporary and humorous.

Starring: Star Wars: The Last Jedi, starring Ryan Johnson, starring Daniel Craig, a South American investigator who seeks to uncover the truth behind the death of an eccentric elder, Famous actor Christopher Plummer.

In the context of events, the film touches on other aspects of the scene in the United States today, including immigration and discrimination of whites.

"We have made this film happen in America today," Johnson said. "The whole idea is that it won't be timeless, it won't be an old mysterious story.

He added that although the film poses serious issues, it happens "in a way that makes you laugh."

"I never imagined that a Latin actress would have such a big presence in this scenario," said Cuban actress Ana de Armas. "It's the moral compass of the story and the heart of the story."

The actor, Don Johnson, co-author of the film, noted that the work involves an honest and light shadow "of the way some people behave with immigrants and people of color."

"It's not a film against Trump, not Trump," said actress Jimmy Lee Curtis, who plays the elder daughter of the slain family.