Teller Report

Hospital plan: "The answer is not up to par," says the association of emergency doctors in France

11/20/2019, 2:16:50 PM

Édouard Philippe announced Wednesday an increase in the hospital budget of 1.5 billion euros over three years. Christophe Prudhomme, emergency doctor and spokesman of the association of emergency doctors in France, said on Europe 1 that the emergency plan proposed by the government was not enough. & Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Édouard Philippe announced Wednesday an increase in the hospital budget of 1.5 billion euros over three years. Christophe Prudhomme, emergency doctor and spokesman of the association of emergency doctors in France, said on Europe 1 that the emergency plan proposed by the government was not enough.


While Frédéric Valletoux, president of the Hospital Federation of France, said on Wednesday satisfied the microphone of Europe 1 by the increase of the budget of the hospital announced by the government, Christophe Prudhomme, emergency doctor and spokesperson of the association of the emergency doctors of France, it is him much less enthusiastic.

"The answer is not up to par," he regrets, from the outset. "We are offered 300 million euros more in the budget for next year ( The hospital budget will benefit from a boost of 1.5 billion euros over three years, including 300 million from 2020 , ndlr ) while we ask for four billion, a premium of 800 euros per year or 66 euros gross per month: is it up to what is claimed by the staff? Absolutely not.

Unsatisfied claims

"It does not meet the demands that have been put on additional staffing, very significant wage increases for everyone," he contests, before asking "that we stop closing beds and hospitals." "What we are asking for today is not a sprinkling of specific measures," he continues. On behalf of the staff, Christophe Prudhomme asks for "general salary increases for all carers".

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Health Minister Agnès Buzyn has announced that an annual premium of 800 euros net would be awarded "perennially" to some 40,000 nurses and caregivers living in Paris and its suburbs and earning less than 1,900 euros per month. But, for Christophe Prudhomme, other problems must be solved. "In Ile-de-France, we would like to have a public assistance department that does not exhaust the staff," he says.

"The public hospital is dying"

Philippe also announced Wednesday that the state would take over 10 billion euros of hospital debt over three years to help "restore the financial balance of institutions." But for Christophe Prudhomme, the measures must be more radical. "Today, the public hospital is dying.The question we ask Mr. Macron is: does he want to save the public hospital or does he want to kill him? ? "asks the emergency doctor.