Teller Report

Supporters of «Bashir» demonstrating in Sudan .. And «Hamdouk» calls for community dialogue

11/16/2019, 10:04:37 PM

Dozens of supporters of former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir demonstrated in front of a court in Khartoum yesterday, in conjunction with a session held to try him on charges of financial corruption, in an expression of their rejection of the voices calling for his extradition to the International Criminal Court, which is pursuing him on charges of war crimes and

Dozens of supporters of former Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir demonstrated in a court in Khartoum yesterday, in conjunction with a hearing held on trial on charges of financial corruption, in an expression of their rejection of the voices calling for his extradition to the International Criminal Court, which is pursuing him on charges of war crimes, genocide and crimes against The court set 14 December as the date for the verdict in the case.

In addition, the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdouk, the need to conduct a broad and deep community dialogue, on issues of support in order to reach treatments that satisfy all segments of the Sudanese people.

Speaking at the opening session of the Conference on Towards a Comprehensive and Sustainable Development in Sudan, organized by the Sudan Research Group, Hamdouk pointed out that the biggest challenge is the economic challenge, tackling the current economic crisis, curbing inflation, addressing the issue of the continuous deterioration of the national currency, and reform. In the banking system, next to Sudan's foreign debt.

He explained that the government inherited a legacy burdened by debt and can be addressed with brotherly and friendly countries and international financial institutions. He added that the issue of removing Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, one of the biggest challenges facing the transitional government, as a key to address all other issues, adding: «We have come a long way in dealing with this issue, and we will reach positive and satisfactory results».