Teller Report

Ex Ilva, Landini: State intervention is needed

11/10/2019, 6:00:40 PM

18.47 "The market alone does not solve this crisis, we need public intervention". So Landini, in "In mezz'ora in più". For the CGIL leader it would also be useful to enter the State in the former Ilva, to control the investments and policies that are made "." That in Italy we have lacked an industrial policy for over 20 years "we know, and in any case" Peugeot has the state inside, the Volkswagen too. There is no market in the world that solves everything by itself. Indeed, the market alone does damage ". Then:" We must continue to produce steel without polluting ".


10 November 201918.47 "The market alone does not solve this crisis, we need public intervention". So Landini, in "In mezz'ora in più". For the CGIL leader it would also be useful to enter the State in the former Ilva, to control the investments and policies that are made "." That in Italy we have lacked an industrial policy for over 20 years "we know, and in any case" Peugeot has the state inside, the Volkswagen too. There is no market in the world that solves everything by itself. Indeed, the market alone does damage ". Then:" We must continue to produce steel without polluting ".