Teller Report

In Calais, the controversy swells on the conditions of reception of the migrants

11/3/2019, 8:18:41 PM

The controversy swells in Calais after the death of a young exile and a decree taken by Mayor Natacha Bouchart with a view to the organization this weekend of an urban show around a gigantic dragon.

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Between 300 and 400 migrants currently live in Calais, waiting to reach England (photo illustration). Philippe HUGUEN / AFP

The controversy swells in Calais after the death of a young exile and a decree by the mayor Natacha Bouchart for the organization this weekend of an urban show around a gigantic dragon.

On the night of 31 October to 1 November, a migrant died in Calais. The 25-year-old Nigerian man died trying to "put a small fire in a tin can to cook and warm up " in his tent, announced several associations. The young man was allegedly intoxicated by the release of smoke, said the prefecture of Pas-de-Calais. This is the third exile who died this year in this northern French city, where migrants are trying to reach the UK.

" This is an example that shows the terrible living conditions of migrants in Calais, " says François Guennoc, vice-president of the Auberge des migrants. For associations, it is also a symbol, at a time when a municipal decree prohibits " all occupations, abusive and repeated " migrants in the city center, especially during the distribution of meals.

Taken by the mayor of Calais Natacha Bouchart on 18 October and justified in particular by " disturbances to public order (...) generated by the gathering of migrants ", this decision aims to ensure " good organization " and " security »Cultural festivities in Calais. Three hundred thousand people were indeed expected this weekend for a three-day urban show around a gigantic metal dragon.

Several political parties on the left have denounced in a statement entitled "The decree of shame" " a new episode of an unhealthy political approach now well-established, which stigmatizes and divides instead of gathering and sharing ."

The Auberge des migrants, she does not intend to let herself be. " We will continue because it is absolutely legal to distribute relief on the street to people in difficulty, " warns his vice president François Guennoc. The associations will therefore attack the court order.

As winter approaches, they also denounce the passivity of the authorities. They are still waiting for the prefecture of the Pas-de-Calais to set up a cold plan allowing the opening of shelter for the exiles. " The plan is slow. It would have been necessary that the people had the possibility to take shelter since already several weeks, regrets François Guennoc. Because what is the most difficult to bear in Calais is the damp cold . Between 300 and 400 migrants are currently in Calais.