Teller Report

A reform will encourage academic research in the paramedical field

10/30/2019, 9:57:56 PM

A reform will encourage academic research in the paramedical field

Paris (AFP)

Nurses, midwives and rehabilitation professionals will see their disciplines gain full academic status, which will in particular encourage research in these professions, by virtue of a decree adopted Wednesday in the Council of Ministers .

Technically, "three new sections within the National Council of Universities for Health Disciplines are created," according to the minutes of the council of ministers. These sections are those of the maieutics (midwives), the sciences of rehabilitation and rehabilitation (physiotherapists, chiropodists, orthoptists, speech therapists ....) and nursing sciences.

"This is a great day for our profession," said AFP president Patrick Chamboredon. Experienced nurses will be encouraged to conduct research - for example, how to relieve pain, overcome reluctance to vaccinate, or advance the prevention of certain conditions - since they will now be able to access the title of doctor of science nurses, he congratulated himself.

Until now, those who were active in research did so under cover of another university specialty.

In a joint statement, the Order of Nurses, Cefiec (representing training institutes) and Andep (directors of paramedical schools) welcomed a "chance for the French health system to catch up in fields of health. research too often neglected while they are largely invested by researchers from other countries. "

It is "to improve the clinical knowledge and care of our fellow citizens, but also the training of future caregivers", say the three organizations.

For its part, the government stressed that this development would encourage "the development of research activities in these areas where new knowledge is essential to understanding issues such as social inequalities in health, the determinants of an inclusive society, disability (or) the health of women ".

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