Teller Report

Governor of Saitama Governor Secretary-General requests support for typhoon damage | NHK News

10/21/2019, 3:27:33 AM

Governor Ohno and his colleagues in Saitama Prefecture received damage from the typhoon No. 19 and asked the secretary of the secretary for assistance such as the early designation of a catastrophic disaster and the reinforcement of a broken embankment.

Request for support from the typhoon damage to the Governor of Saitama

In response to the damage caused by Typhoon No. 19, Governor Ohno and his colleagues in Saitama Prefecture asked the Secretary of Secretariat for assistance in the early designation of severe disasters and the reinforcement of broken dykes.

Following the damage caused by Typhoon No. 19, Governor Ohno and his colleagues in Saitama Prefecture visited the Prime Minister's residence on the morning of the 21st, met with the Secretary of the Secretary of Secretary, and handed over the request.

According to the request, two people have died in Saitama Prefecture and more than 4,000 houses have been damaged.

They requested that they be designated early as a catastrophic disaster, take special financial measures, fully analyze the cause of the river bank breakage, and proceed with measures such as repair and strengthening.

On the other hand, the Secretary of Secretary Jun responded that "I will do everything well."

After this, Governor Ohno told reporters, “It is said to be an unprecedented disaster, but we do not know when it will be repeated again. I asked. "

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