Teller Report

Madagascar: HVM, party of Rajaonarimampianina, returns to politics - RFI

10/20/2019, 10:00:27 PM

Remaining five years in power in Madagascar, HVM, the party of the outgoing president Hery Rajaonarimampianina had almost disappeared after being beaten flat

By RFPosted on 20-10-2019Modified on 20-10-2019 at 22:02

Remaining five years in power in Madagascar, HVM, the party of incumbent President Hery Rajaonarimampianina had almost disappeared after being beaten in the first round of the presidential election last November. This weekend, a statement posted on his Facebook page has announced his return.

" Restructure the party now that the sky has cleared up ". These are the words of the president of the HVM [Hery Vaovao ho an'i Madagasikara, "New power for Madagascar"] Rivo Rakotovao, current president of the Senate, the only figure of the old regime released unscathed from the rout in the Malagasy presidential election . He made the announcement following a meeting with Hery Rajaonarimampianina at the end of September in France.

This restructuring will not be easy. Many members have deserted the HVM, rallying to President Andry Rajoelina. Some even appearing under his colors. The absence in the legislative and the next communal is " a desired policy. Now it's easier to recognize each other and reorganize, "says Rivo Rakotovao.

First difficulties of Rajoelina

The party plans to oppose the policy of the current regime. " We will be in the opposition because we had presented a presidential candidate and we did not have the same projects, nor the same way to govern but the objective is not to oppose systematically ", continues this faithful from former President Hery Rajaonarimampianina.

After nine months of presidency, the head of state, Andry Rajoelina, faces his first difficulties with including the challenge of a project to build a new city on the outskirts of Antananarivo and the appointment of regional governors.

But this is not the most important for the HVM which indicates to have a vision on the long term: the next presidential election. " We will not have partisan interests in the immediate future. Our perspective is democratic alternation , "continues the Senate Speaker. A general meeting of the party is planned next month.

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