Teller Report

Mohammed Al Shamsi .. Passion for UAE diplomacy led to «international relations»

10/4/2019, 10:06:33 PM

The passion for Emirati diplomacy of Mohammed Khalid Al Shamsi (21 years), prompted him to choose «International Relations» academic specialization in the first university stations, especially since he had a practical experience in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, represented in practical training

Mohammed Khalid Al Shamsi (21 years), a passion for UAE diplomacy, led him to choose "International Relations" as an academic major in his first university campus, especially as he had a practical experience in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in practical training that embodied the features of the foreign policy of the UAE. 2018 and 2019 in multiple departments, as well as winning the training opportunity at the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations in Geneva (December 2016).

Al Shamsi, who is dispatched by the Crown Prince's Court to the United Kingdom, believes that "international relations" is a broad and interesting specialty for all those who have a passion for upholding their homeland in various practical fields, including economic, political and cultural relations from the perspective of different political theories. It can be defined as "a phenomenon of mutual interrelated political and non-political interactions among the various units of the international community."

Al Shamsi, a student at King's College London, added: “Through specialization in international relations, the student acquires basic skills and deep knowledge in this field, in addition to being able to analyze and predict international phenomena, and develop the skill of scientific research in this area, to qualify him to work. In the diplomatic field, international organizations, research organizations and centers of political and international strategic studies ».

Al-Shamsi pointed out the need for a set of skills necessary to study «International Relations», the most important of which «practical skills are the analytical skills to collect the data and information needed and work to interpret, analyze and evaluate, communication skills for discussion, and critical thinking skills and creative skills that enable to come up with new ideas offer solutions “Another is a practical one that is divided between knowledge of the legal field, the economy, as well as history.”

On the advantages of the study of «international relations», Al Shamsi said that it is centered on «expanding perceptions and gaining knowledge and increasing awareness of political matters and the ability to discuss them, and this specialization offers job opportunities in a wide range, perhaps the most prominent bodies and diplomatic bodies, embassies, law and journalism».

"I advise all young men and women to run it, because it refines the scholarship culturally, politically and practically, not to mention the abundant science and vast academic experience in the most powerful universities in the world," he said.

Al Shamsi, who is expected to graduate in 2022, points out that his most ambitious journey during his trip outside the country is that the most important thing that drives me to exert effort is the words of pride that we hear from our leaders and their constant bet on us.

Al Shamsi said he volunteered with his fellow scholars in the UK at the London International Book Fair last March as volunteers at the Mohammed bin Rashid Knowledge Foundation pavilion. In British society, the initiative was launched by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation.

Cultural Ambassador

Mohammed Al Shamsi has recently completed a training course at the UAE Pavilion at the International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale, as a cultural ambassador, in addition to participating in celebrations and events organized by the Cultural Consulate of the State in London, including celebrating the National Day. To invest leisure time in reading daily newspapers and his favorite magazine «The Economist» in cafes adjacent to the university, or on the banks of the River Thames, and keen to attend seminars and lectures on international affairs, to take advantage of his specialization in international relations.

- «I advise young men and women to experience the alienation because it polishes the scholarship».