Teller Report

Luis Suarez gets hooked with the stands after his first goal

10/2/2019, 10:46:20 PM

After 1-1, the stands turned with him, but Luis Suarez could not help but get hooked with the fans to celebrate. Perhaps, he remembered very well, too well, of the pitos that esc

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After 1-1, the stands turned with him, but Luis Suarez could not help but get hooked with the fans to celebrate. Perhaps, he remembered very well, too well, the pitos he heard before Villarreal and those that had been heard throughout the first half against the entire team. A bit that would complete in the final stretch with the final 2-1.

"I am characterized by working, never lowering my arms and getting strong in difficult times," the Uruguayan claimed in statements to Movistar Champions League . From his point of view, the hand of Ernesto Valverde was essential for the team to end up 0-1 Inter. "That is why we have the coach, to correct those mistakes and be aware that we did not press as we had before the game, although that is also a virtue of the rival," he said.

"The half parts are for something. The team showed a lot of patience, and that is always important when playing at home. Confidence and collective work allowed us to create occasions and turn the game around," said a Luis Suarez who wanted to score territory. "We are in the best team in the world, where everything looks with magnifying glass. We are the rival to beat in the Champions League and we must maintain this mentality throughout the competition," said the Uruguayan.

Before Inter, he scored the same number of goals as in the sum of the last two editions of the Champions League. But, despite everything, he is already Barça's third highest scorer in the Champions League, with 22 goals. Rivaldo beat him, with 25, and Leo Messi , with 112. The Argentine, precisely, played his first full match against Inter this season. "I really wanted to and I felt pretty good, as far as I could. I wanted to play the whole game to see if it started at once," said the Argentine in statements to Barça TV .

"When you travel you don't train well"

"We are on the right track. We are going through a difficult time, but if we look at all of Europe, we will see how it is hard for all the greats to start. It is not a criticism, but when you travel you do not train well. The more we play, the better we We will be feeling. I repeat, it is not a criticism of anyone, but a reality. All the great ones do it and it is necessary, "said the captain of Barça. "I am used to keeping up with the games, because it is difficult to put on training by always playing so many games in a row," he added.

"We are always glad that Messi is in the field and giving the best he has, with passes, with assists, with goals ... He sets many opponents and we are happy that he has been able to play the 90 minutes. In recent times he suffered for some injuries and we hope that does not happen again. With him, it is always easier, "said Marc-André ter Stegen , another of the great protagonists of the game. The German also struggled to settle the latest controversy over Piqué's attack on the board. Above all, now that the central and the president have already met to alleviate the crisis.

"Everything is in order between the team and the club. Everything else ... I'm happy to be here and play football. That's the only thing that worries me. To win, we have to be all together," the German reiterated. , who wanted, of course, to praise the performance of Luis Suarez. " Surely, he will cover many mouths . The important thing for him is to be focused, to give his best version. We know who we have upstairs and is always there to score goals," Ter Stegen reiterated.

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  • sports
  • football
  • Champions League
  • FC Barcelona
  • Luis Suarez

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